BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use SecurityServiceRuntimeException

This package includes interfaces, classes, and exceptions that support security providers. 


Uses of SecurityServiceRuntimeException in

Subclasses of SecurityServiceRuntimeException in
 interface InvalidParameterException
          The InvalidParameterException exception is thrown if invalid parameters are passed to the WebLogic Security Framework (that is, if a method expects some input parameters and does not receive what it expects).
 interface MBeanException
          The MBeanException exception is a general exception that is thrown if there are any problems with the MBeans required by the WebLogic Security Framework.
 interface NotYetInitializedException
          The NotYetInitializedException exception is thrown if an attempt is made to access an uninitialized security service provided by the WebLogic Security Framework.
 interface ProviderException
          The ProviderException exception is a generic exception that is thrown if the WebLogic Security Framework detects any problem with a security provider.

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