BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use ListResponse

Uses of ListResponse in weblogic.uddi.client.structures.response

Subclasses of ListResponse in weblogic.uddi.client.structures.response
 class BindingDetail
          BindingDetail contains specific bindingTemplate information in response to a get_bindingDetail or find_binding inquiry message.
 class BusinessDetail
          BusinessDetail contains one or more businessEntity data sets.
 class BusinessDetailExt
          BusinessDetailExt contains one or more businessEntity data sets in response to a get_businessDetailExt message
 class BusinessList
          BusinessList contains one or more businessInfo data sets in response to a find_business inquiry message.
 class DispositionReport
          The dispositionReport structure is a collection of result structures that hold imformation about the completion status of a uddi api function call.
 class RegisteredInfo
          The registeredInfo structure is a response to a get_registeredInfo message.
 class ServiceDetail
          ServiceDetail contains BusinessService structures when returned by get_serviceDetail
 class ServiceList
 class TModelDetail
          TModelDetail contains complete details about tModel.
 class TModelList
          TModelList structure is a collection of TModelInfos.

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