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Programming WebLogic JTA

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Java Transaction API and BEA WebLogic Extensions

This section provides a brief overview of the Java Transaction API (JTA) and extensions to the API provided by BEA Systems.

This section discusses the following topics:


JTA API Overview

WebLogic Server supports the javax.transaction package and the javax.transaction.xa package, from Sun Microsystems, Inc., which implement the Java Transaction API (JTA) for Java applications. For more information about JTA, see the Java Transaction API (JTA) Specification (version 1.0.1a) published by Sun Microsystems, Inc. For a detailed description of the javax.transaction and javax.transaction.xa interfaces, see the JTA Javadoc.

JTA includes the following components:


BEA WebLogic Extensions to JTA

Extensions to the Java Transactions API are provided where the JTA specification does not cover implementation details and where additional capabilities are required.

BEA WebLogic provides the following capabilities based on interpretations of the JTA specification:

BEA WebLogic provides the following classes and interfaces as extensions to JTA:

For a detailed description of the WebLogic extensions to the javax.transaction and javax.transaction.xa interfaces, see the weblogic.transaction package description.


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