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BEA WebLogic Server continues to build upon the implementation of the Sun Microsystems J2EE Platform Specification, Version 1.3. The J2EE Connector Architecture adds simplified Enterprise Information System (EIS) integration to the J2EE platform. The goal is to leverage the strengths of the J2EE platform—including component models, and transaction and security infrastructures—to address the challenges of EIS integration.

The J2EE Connector Architecture provides a Java solution to the problem of connectivity between the multitude of application servers and EISes. By using the J2EE Connector Architecture, it is no longer necessary for EIS vendors to customize their product for each application server. An application server vendor (such as BEA WebLogic Server) that conforms to the J2EE Connector Architecture also does not need to add custom code whenever it wants to extend its application server to support connectivity to a new EIS.

The J2EE Connector Architecture enables an EIS vendor to provide a standard resource adapter (also referred to as a connector) for its EIS; the resource adapter plugs into an application server such as WebLogic Server and provides the underlying infrastructure for the integration between an EIS and the application server.

An application server vendor (BEA WebLogic Server) extends its system only once to support the J2EE Connector Architecture and is then assured of connectivity to multiple EISes. Likewise, an EIS vendor provides one standard resource adapter and it has the capability to plug in to any application server that supports the J2EE Connector Architecture.



Deploying New Connector (Resource Adapter) Modules

To deploy a new Connector (Resource Adapter) module using the WebLogic Server Administration Console:

  1. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console, and select the Domain in which you will be working.
  2. In the left pane of the Console, open the Deployments folder.
  3. In the left pane of the Console, right-click Connector Modules, and select Deploy a New ConnectorComponent. This initiates the Connector Module Deployment Assistant in the right panel.
  4. Use links in the Location field to select the .rar file or exploded .rar directory you you want to deploy. If the files do not reside on the Administration Server, use the upload link to upload them to the Administration Server machine.
  5. When you have selected the archive file or directory to deploy, click Target Module.
  6. If your domain contains multiple WebLogic Server instances, the Deployment Assistant displays a list of server to which you can deploy the Enterprise Application.

    Select the individual servers to which you will deploy the new application. If you want to deploy to all server instances in a cluster, select the name of the cluster and ensure that the All servers in the cluster option is chosen. Click Continue when you have selected all servers and clusters.

  7. Review the selected deployment targets for the Connector Module. If you need to change a target server, use your browser's Back button.
  8. Choose one of the available options from the Source accessibility header:
  9. Enter a unique name for the Connector module in the Name field.
  10. Click Deploy. The Console displays the Deploy panel, which lists deployment status and deployment activities for the Enterprise Application.
  11. Click Deploy. The Console will display the Deploy panel, which lists deployment status and deployment activities for the Connector module.
  12. Using the available tabs, enter the following information as necessary:

Viewing Deployed Connectors

To view a deployed Connector in the Administration Console:

  1. In the Console, click Deployments.
  2. Click the Connectors option.
  3. View a list of deployed Connectors in the table displayed in the right side of the Console.

Stopping Deployed Connectors

To stop a deployed Connector module from the WebLogic Server Administration Console:

  1. In the Console, click Deployments.
  2. Click the Connectors option.
  3. In the displayed table, click the name of the Connector you want to stop.
  4. Select the Deploy tab, and click Stop or Stop All.

Adding or Editing Connector Deployment Notes

  1. In the left pane of the Console, open the Deployments folder.
  2. Under the Deployments folder, click the Connector Modules folder. A table is displayed in the right pane of the Console showing all the deployed Connectors.
  3. In this table, locate the .rar file for which you will add notes.
  4. Click the Notes tab.
  5. Add or edit the optional information in the Notes scroll box.
  6. Click Apply.

Deleting a Connector

To delete a Connector from the domain, proceed as follows:

  1. In the left pane of the Console, open the Deployments folder.
  2. Under the Deployments folder, click the Connector Modules folder. A table is displayed in the right pane of the Console showing all the deployed Connectors.
  3. In this table, locate the .rar file you want to delete.
  4. Click the Garbage Can icon to the right of the file.
  5. You are asked to confirm your decision. Click Yes.
  6. Click Continue to return to the previous screen.


To monitor active Connectors in the Console, proceed as follows:

  1. In the left pane of the Console, open the Deployments folder.
  2. Under the Deployments folder, click the Connector Modules folder.
  3. In the right pane, select the Monitoring tab.
  4. Use the Select Servers pull-down to select the server for which you wish to monitor active Connectors.
  5. Select Customize This View to customize the available monitoring features. You can choose which items to monitor, determine how to sort these options, and set this view as your default view.
  6. Click Apply to save your settings.


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