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Server --> Services --> JMS

Tasks     Related Topics     Attributes


On this tab, you can define whether to use the default JMS connection factory and configure the size of the JMS execute thread pool.

WebLogic Server defines one JMS connection factory, by default: weblogic.jms.ConnectionFactory. All configuration attributes are set to their default values for this default connection factory. If the default connection factory definition is appropriate for your application, you do not need to configure any additional connection factories for your application.

Note: Using the default connection factory, you have no control over the JMS server on which the connection factory may be deployed. If you would like to target a particular JMS server, create a new connection factory and specify the appropriate JMS server target(s).

On the server, incoming JMS related requests execute in the JMS execute queue/thread pool. Additional work that cannot be completed in the request thread is forwarded to the "default" execute queue.


Configuring a JMS Connection Factory

JMS Connection Factory Tasks

Related Topics

"WebLogic JMS Fundamentals" in Programming WebLogic JMS

"Developing a WebLogic JMS Application"in Programming WebLogic JMS

"Tuning WebLogic Server" and "Tuning WebLogic Server Applications" in the Performance and Tuning Guide.


Table 1-18

Attribute Label


Value Constraints

Enable Default JMS Connection Factories

Enables JMS default connection factories.


Attribute: JMSDefaultConnectionFactoriesEnabled

Default: true

Valid values:

  • true

  • false

Dynamic: yes

JMS Thread Pool Size

The size of the JMS execute thread pool.

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 65534

Default: 15

Configurable: yes


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