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Domain -->Compatibility Security-->File Realm

Tasks     Related Topics     Attributes


The File realm stores user and group data for the purpose of authentication. By default, the File realm is set as the default authentication realm when using Compatibility security. Use this tab to define several attributes that govern the use of the File realm. The File realm is deprecated in WebLogic Server 7.0.


Setting Up Compatibility Security: Main Steps

Configuring the File Realm

Related Topics

Introduction to WebLogic Security

Managing WebLogic Security

Programmimg WebLogic Security

Developing Security Providers for WebLogic Server

Securing a WebLogic Server Deployment

Upgrading Security in WebLogic Server Version 6.x to WebLogic Server Version 7.0

Security FAQ


Attribute Label


Value Constraints

Caching Realm

If a realm other than the File realm is used, the realm is specified by attaching the name of the realm to the CachingRealm MBean. The CachingRealm MBean then attaches to the Realm MBean.

If the attribute has a value, an alternate security realm is used. If the attribute is null, only the File Realm can be used.

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Max Users

The maximum number of users supported by File realm.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 10000

Default: 1000

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Max Groups

The maximum number of groups supported by the File realm.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 10000

Default: 1000

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Max ACLs

The maximum number of (positive) ACLs supported by the File realm. The maxiumum is not enforced, but a warning is issued when you reach it.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 10000

Default: 1000

Configurable: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes


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