BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference
Interface JRockitRuntimeMBean

public interface JRockitRuntimeMBean

Exposes runtime data about the JRockit Virtual Machine (VM) that is running the current WebLogic Server instance. You cannot change the VM's operating parameters while the VM is active. Instead, use the startup options that are described in the JRockit documentation.

Copyright © 2002 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Method Summary
 double getAllProcessorsAverageLoad()
          Displays a snapshot of the average load of all processors in the host computer.
 long getConstructorInvocationCount(java.lang.reflect.Constructor constructor)
          Indicates the number of times a constructor has been invoked since enabling invocation counting.
 long getConstructorTiming(java.lang.reflect.Constructor constructor)
          Indicates the amount of time (in milliseconds) the Virtual Machine has spent in the constructor since enabling time measuring.
 long getExceptionCount(java.lang.Class throwableClass)
          Indicates the number of times an exception type has been thrown since enabling excpetion counting.
 long getFreeHeap()
          Indicates the amount (in bytes) of Java heap memory that is currently free in the Virtual Machine.
 long getFreePhysicalMemory()
          Indicates the amount (in bytes) of physical memory that is currently free on the host computer.
 java.lang.String getGcAlgorithm()
          Indicates the type of garbage collector (GC) that the Virtual Machine is using.
 java.lang.String getJVMDescription()
          Describes the Java Virtual Machine.
 double getJvmProcessorLoad()
          Returns a snapshot of the load that the Virutal Machine is placing on all processors in the host computer.
 long getLastGCEnd()
          Indicates the time at which the last garbage collection run ended.
 long getLastGCStart()
          Indicates the time at which the last garbage collection run started.
 long getMethodInvocationCount(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
          Indicates the number of times a method has been invoked since enabling invocation counting.
 long getMethodTiming(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
 java.lang.String getName()
          Indicates the name of the Java Virtual Machine.
 int getNumberOfDaemonThreads()
          Indicates the number of daemon Java threads currently running in the Virtual Machine across all processors.
 int getNumberOfProcessors()
          Displays the number of processors on the Virtual Machine's host computer.
 java.lang.String getThreadStackDump()
          Provides a stack dump of all live threads in the Virtual Machine (VM).
 long getTotalGarbageCollectionCount()
          Indicates the number of garbage collection runs that have occurred since the Virtual Machine was started.
 long getTotalGarbageCollectionTime()
          Indicates the number of milliseconds that the Virtual Machine has spent on all garbage collection runs since the VM was started.
 long getTotalHeap()
          Indicates the amount (in bytes) of memory currently allocated to the Virtual Machine's Java heap.
 int getTotalNumberOfThreads()
          Indicates the number of Java threads (daemon and non-daemon) that are currently running in the Virtual Machine across all processors.
 long getTotalNurserySize()
          Indicates the amount (in bytes) of memory that is currently allocated to the nursery.
 long getTotalPhysicalMemory()
          Indicates the amount (in bytes) of physical memory on the host computer.
 long getUptime()
          Indicates the number of milliseconds that the Virtual Machine has been running.
 long getUsedHeap()
          Indicates the amount (in bytes) of Java heap memory that is currently being used by the Virtual Machine.
 long getUsedPhysicalMemory()
          Indicates the amount (in bytes) of physical memory that is currently being used on the host computer.
 java.lang.String getVendor()
          Indicates the name of the JVM vendor.
 java.lang.String getVersion()
          Indicates the current version of Java Virtual Machine.
 boolean isConcurrent()
          Indicates whether the VM's garbage collector runs in a separate Java thread concurrently with other Java threads.
 boolean isConstructorInvocationCountEnabled(java.lang.reflect.Constructor cons)
          Indicates whether the Virtual Machine counts how many times a constructor is invoked.
 boolean isConstructorTimingEnabled(java.lang.reflect.Constructor constructor)
          Indicates whether the Virtual Machine measures how much time it spends in a constructor.
 boolean isExceptionCountEnabled(java.lang.Class throwableClass)
          Indicates whether the Virtual Machine counts how many times an exception is thrown.
 boolean isGCHandlesCompaction()
          Indicates whether the VM's garbage collector compacts the Java heap.
 boolean isGenerational()
          Indicates whether the VM's garbage collector uses a nursery space.
 boolean isIncremental()
          Indicates whether the VM's garbage collector collects (increments) garbage as it scans the memory space and dumps the garbage at the end of its cycle.
 boolean isMethodInvocationCountEnabled(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
          Indicates whether the Virtual Machine counts how many times a method is invoked.
 boolean isMethodTimingEnabled(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
          Indicates whether the Virtual Machine measures how much time it spends in a method.
 boolean isParallel()
          Indicates whether the VM's garbage collector is able to run in parallel on multiple processors if multiple processors are available.
Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setName, setParent
Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preRegister
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener

Method Detail


public long getTotalPhysicalMemory()
Indicates the amount (in bytes) of physical memory on the host computer. The value does not include memory that an operating makes available through swap space on a disk or other types of virtual memory.

Bytes of physical memory on the host computer.


public long getFreePhysicalMemory()
Indicates the amount (in bytes) of physical memory that is currently free on the host computer.

Bytes of free physical memory.


public long getUsedPhysicalMemory()
Indicates the amount (in bytes) of physical memory that is currently being used on the host computer. This method reports the memory that is being used by all processes on the computer, not just by the Virtual Machine.

Bytes of physical memory being used.


public long getTotalHeap()
Indicates the amount (in bytes) of memory currently allocated to the Virtual Machine's Java heap. This value, which is also known as the "heap size," may grow up to the value returned by #getMaxHeap().

Bytes of memory allocated to the Java heap.


public long getFreeHeap()
Indicates the amount (in bytes) of Java heap memory that is currently free in the Virtual Machine.

Bytes of free Java heap memory.


public long getUsedHeap()
Indicates the amount (in bytes) of Java heap memory that is currently being used by the Virtual Machine.

Bytes of Java heap memory that is being used.


public long getTotalNurserySize()
Indicates the amount (in bytes) of memory that is currently allocated to the nursery.

The nursery is the area of the Java heap that the VM allocates to most objects. Instead of garbage collecting the entire heap, generational garbage collectors focus on the nursery. Because most objects die young, most of the time it is sufficient to garbage collect only the nursery and not the entire heap.

If you are not using a generational garbage collector, the nursery size is 0.

Bytes allocated to the nursery.


public java.lang.String getGcAlgorithm()
Indicates the type of garbage collector (GC) that the Virtual Machine is using.

JRockit provides the following types of GCs:


public long getTotalGarbageCollectionCount()
Indicates the number of garbage collection runs that have occurred since the Virtual Machine was started.

The number of GCs perfomed so far.


public long getLastGCStart()
                    throws com.bea.jvm.NotAvailableException
Indicates the time at which the last garbage collection run started.

The time the last GC started.
com.bea.jvm.NotAvailableException - Description of the Exception


public long getLastGCEnd()
                  throws com.bea.jvm.NotAvailableException
Indicates the time at which the last garbage collection run ended.

the time the last GC ended.
com.bea.jvm.NotAvailableException - Description of the Exception


public long getTotalGarbageCollectionTime()
                                   throws com.bea.jvm.NotAvailableException
Indicates the number of milliseconds that the Virtual Machine has spent on all garbage collection runs since the VM was started.

Total milliseconds spent for all garbage collection runs.
com.bea.jvm.NotAvailableException - Description of the Exception


public boolean isGCHandlesCompaction()
                              throws com.bea.jvm.NotAvailableException
Indicates whether the VM's garbage collector compacts the Java heap. Usually the heap is scattered throughtout available memory. A garbage collector that compacts the heap defragments the memory space in addition to deleting unused objects.

true if this garbage collector compacts the Java heap.
com.bea.jvm.NotAvailableException - Description of the Exception


public boolean isConcurrent()
                     throws com.bea.jvm.NotAvailableException
Indicates whether the VM's garbage collector runs in a separate Java thread concurrently with other Java threads.

true if this GC runs in a separate concurrent thread.
com.bea.jvm.NotAvailableException - Description of the Exception


public boolean isGenerational()
                       throws com.bea.jvm.NotAvailableException
Indicates whether the VM's garbage collector uses a nursery space.

A nursery is the area of the Java heap that the VM allocates to most objects. Instead of garbage collecting the entire heap, generational garbage collectors focus on the nursery. Because most objects die young, most of the time it is sufficient to garbage collect only the nursery and not the entire heap.

true if this GC has a nursery.
com.bea.jvm.NotAvailableException - Description of the Exception


public boolean isIncremental()
                      throws com.bea.jvm.NotAvailableException
Indicates whether the VM's garbage collector collects (increments) garbage as it scans the memory space and dumps the garbage at the end of its cycle.

With a non-incremental garbage collector, garbage is dumped as soon as it is encountered.

true if this GC is incremental.
com.bea.jvm.NotAvailableException - Description of the Exception


public boolean isParallel()
                   throws com.bea.jvm.NotAvailableException
Indicates whether the VM's garbage collector is able to run in parallel on multiple processors if multiple processors are available.

true if this GC runs in parallel on multiple processors.
com.bea.jvm.NotAvailableException - Description of the Exception


public boolean isMethodTimingEnabled(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
                              throws com.bea.jvm.UnapplicableMethodException
Indicates whether the Virtual Machine measures how much time it spends in a method.

Method - the method you want to check.
boolean true if time measuring is enabled for the method.
com.bea.jvm.UnapplicableMethodException - Description of the Exception


public long getMethodTiming(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
                     throws com.bea.jvm.UnapplicableMethodException


public boolean isMethodInvocationCountEnabled(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
                                       throws com.bea.jvm.UnapplicableMethodException
Indicates whether the Virtual Machine counts how many times a method is invoked.

Method - the method you want to check.
boolean true if invocation counting is enabled for the method.
com.bea.jvm.UnapplicableMethodException - Description of the Exception


public long getMethodInvocationCount(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
                              throws com.bea.jvm.UnapplicableMethodException
Indicates the number of times a method has been invoked since enabling invocation counting.

method - the method you want to check.
long the invocaton count for the specified Method.
com.bea.jvm.UnapplicableMethodException - Description of the Exception


public boolean isConstructorTimingEnabled(java.lang.reflect.Constructor constructor)
                                   throws com.bea.jvm.UnapplicableMethodException
Indicates whether the Virtual Machine measures how much time it spends in a constructor.

Constructor - the constructor you want to check.
boolean true if time measuring is enabled for the constructor.
com.bea.jvm.UnapplicableMethodException - Description of the Exception


public long getConstructorTiming(java.lang.reflect.Constructor constructor)
                          throws com.bea.jvm.UnapplicableMethodException
Indicates the amount of time (in milliseconds) the Virtual Machine has spent in the constructor since enabling time measuring. If time measuring hasn't been enabled for the specified constructor, this method returns a null value.

Constructor - the constructor you want to check.
long cumulative milliseconds spent in the constructor.
com.bea.jvm.UnapplicableMethodException - Description of the Exception


public boolean isConstructorInvocationCountEnabled(java.lang.reflect.Constructor cons)
                                            throws com.bea.jvm.UnapplicableMethodException
Indicates whether the Virtual Machine counts how many times a constructor is invoked.

Constructor - the constructor you want to check.
boolean true if invocation counting is enabled for the constructor.
com.bea.jvm.UnapplicableMethodException - Description of the Exception


public long getConstructorInvocationCount(java.lang.reflect.Constructor constructor)
                                   throws com.bea.jvm.UnapplicableMethodException
Indicates the number of times a constructor has been invoked since enabling invocation counting.

constructor - - the constructor for which to return the invocation count.
long the invocaton count for the specified constructor.
com.bea.jvm.UnapplicableMethodException - Description of the Exception


public boolean isExceptionCountEnabled(java.lang.Class throwableClass)
                                throws java.lang.ClassCastException
Indicates whether the Virtual Machine counts how many times an exception is thrown.

throwableClass - the exception class to get the counter for.
true if exception counting is enabled for the argument, false otherwise.
java.lang.ClassCastException - thrown if the argument is not a subclass of Throwable


public long getExceptionCount(java.lang.Class throwableClass)
Indicates the number of times an exception type has been thrown since enabling excpetion counting. If exception counting has not been enabled for the specified type, the result is unspecified.

throwableClass - the exception class to get the counter for. If the throwableClass is null, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
long the current number of exceptions of this type thrown.


public int getTotalNumberOfThreads()
Indicates the number of Java threads (daemon and non-daemon) that are currently running in the Virtual Machine across all processors.

the number of Java threads running in the VM.


public int getNumberOfDaemonThreads()
Indicates the number of daemon Java threads currently running in the Virtual Machine across all processors.

the total number of daemon Java threads running in the VM.


public java.lang.String getThreadStackDump()
Provides a stack dump of all live threads in the Virtual Machine (VM). This is similar to typing CTRL-break in the shell process that is running the VM.

a stack dump of all live threads in the VM.


public long getUptime()
Indicates the number of milliseconds that the Virtual Machine has been running.

The uptime (in milliseconds) of the VM.


public java.lang.String getJVMDescription()
Describes the Java Virtual Machine. For example, "BEA WebLogic JRockit Java Virtual Machine."

A description of the JVM as a String.


public java.lang.String getVendor()
Indicates the name of the JVM vendor. For example, "BEA Systems Inc."

The name of the vendor as a String.


public java.lang.String getVersion()
Indicates the current version of Java Virtual Machine.

The current version of the JVM as a String.


public java.lang.String getName()
Indicates the name of the Java Virtual Machine. For example, "WebLogic JRockit."

The JVM name as a String.


public int getNumberOfProcessors()
Displays the number of processors on the Virtual Machine's host computer. If this is not a Symetric Multi Processor (SMP) system, the value will be 1.

The number of processors on the VM's host computer.


public double getAllProcessorsAverageLoad()
Displays a snapshot of the average load of all processors in the host computer. If the computer has only one processor, this method returns the same value as getJvmProcessorLoad(0).

The value is returned as a double, where 1.0 represents 100% load (no idle time) and 0.0 represents 0% load (pure idle time).

a double that represents a snapshot of the average load of all processors.
See Also:


public double getJvmProcessorLoad()
Returns a snapshot of the load that the Virutal Machine is placing on all processors in the host computer. If the host contains multiple processors, the value represents a snapshot of the average load. The value is returned as a double, where 1.0 represents 100% load (no idle time) and 0.0 represents 0% load (pure idle time).

a double that indicates the average load that the VM is placing on all processors.

Documentation is available at