BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference
Interface AuthenticatorMBean

All Known Subinterfaces:
ActiveDirectoryAuthenticatorMBean, DefaultAuthenticatorMBean, IPlanetAuthenticatorMBean, LDAPAuthenticatorMBean, NovellAuthenticatorMBean, OpenLDAPAuthenticatorMBean, RealmAdapterAuthenticatorMBean

public interface AuthenticatorMBean
extends, AuthenticationProviderMBean

The SSPI MBean that all Authentication providers with login services must extend. This MBean provides a ControlFlag to determine whether the Authentication provider is a REQUIRED, REQUISITE, SUFFICENT, or OPTIONAL part of the login sequence.

Copyright © 2002 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getControlFlag()
          Determines how the login sequence uses the Authentication provider.
 void setControlFlag(java.lang.String newValue)
          Determines how the login sequence uses the Authentication provider.
Methods inherited from interface
getDescription, getProviderClassName, getRealm, getVersion, setRealm

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getControlFlag()
Determines how the login sequence uses the Authentication provider.

A REQUIRED value specifies this LoginModule must succeed. Even if it fails, authentication proceeds down the list of LoginModules for the configured Authentication providers. This setting is the default.

A REQUISITE value specifies this LoginModule must succeed. If other Authentication providers are configured and this LoginModule succeeds, authentication proceeds down the list of LoginModules. Otherwise, control is return to the application.

A SUFFICIENT value specifies this LoginModule need not succeed. If it does succeed, return control to the application. If it fails and other Authentication providers are configured, authentication proceeds down the LoginModule list.

An OPTIONAL value specifies this LoginModule need not succeed. Whether it succeeds or fails, authentication proceeds down the LoginModule list.

Default Value: "REQUIRED"


public void setControlFlag(java.lang.String newValue)
Determines how the login sequence uses the Authentication provider.

A REQUIRED value specifies this LoginModule must succeed. Even if it fails, authentication proceeds down the list of LoginModules for the configured Authentication providers. This setting is the default.

A REQUISITE value specifies this LoginModule must succeed. If other Authentication providers are configured and this LoginModule succeeds, authentication proceeds down the list of LoginModules. Otherwise, control is return to the application.

A SUFFICIENT value specifies this LoginModule need not succeed. If it does succeed, return control to the application. If it fails and other Authentication providers are configured, authentication proceeds down the LoginModule list.

An OPTIONAL value specifies this LoginModule need not succeed. Whether it succeeds or fails, authentication proceeds down the LoginModule list.

Default Value: "REQUIRED"
newValue - - new value for attribute ControlFlag
Throws: -  

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