BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference

Interface BeginNotificationListener

public interface BeginNotificationListener

An object implementing this interface may be registered with the server transaction manager to receive a notification callback when a transaction is started on the server.

Copyright © 2002 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:
ServerTransactionManager.registerBeginNotificationListener(weblogic.transaction.BeginNotificationListener, java.lang.Object)

Method Summary
 void beginNotification(java.lang.Object handback)
          Method to be invoked by the transaction manager when a transaction is started on the server.

Method Detail


public void beginNotification(java.lang.Object handback)
                       throws javax.transaction.NotSupportedException,
Method to be invoked by the transaction manager when a transaction is started on the server. An exception thrown by this method will be passed through to the caller of the UserTransaction/TransactionManager begin method. This method is invoked prior to the creation of the transaction and an exception thrown by this method will cause no transaction to be started.

handback - The object specified during registration

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