BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference
Class TpacallAsyncReplyImpl


public final class TpacallAsyncReplyImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements GatewayTpacallAsyncReply

This class wraps the original async reply, so that it can be associated with the exact ATMI interface that was used when it was called

Copyright © 2002 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
TpacallAsyncReplyImpl(TpacallAsyncReply originalAsyncReply, TuxedoConnection originalAtmi, Transaction myTransaction, myGateway)
Method Summary
 void failure(ApplicationToMonitorInterface atmi, CallDescriptor cd, TPException failureReply)
          This method is called if the service returned with a failure code of some kind.
 Transaction getTransaction()
          Returns the transaction associated with this request
 void setTargetSubject( kid, subj)
 void success(ApplicationToMonitorInterface atmi, CallDescriptor cd, Reply successReply)
          This method is called if the service returned successfully.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TpacallAsyncReplyImpl(TpacallAsyncReply originalAsyncReply,
                             TuxedoConnection originalAtmi,
                             Transaction myTransaction,
Method Detail


public void success(ApplicationToMonitorInterface atmi,
                    CallDescriptor cd,
                    Reply successReply)
This method is called if the service returned successfully. It will contain the reply in the TuxedoReply object, which can also be used to correlate the reply with the response via the CallDescriptor object

atmi - The connection associated with this request. Can be used for making other calls on this connection
successReply - The reply from the service in the success case


public void failure(ApplicationToMonitorInterface atmi,
                    CallDescriptor cd,
                    TPException failureReply)
This method is called if the service returned with a failure code of some kind. It will contain the reply in the TPReplyException as well as the reason for failure.

atmi - The connection associated with this request. Can be used for making other calls on this connection
failureReply - The reply from in the failure case. Note that in some cases this reply may not be from the service itself (for example, when the tpacall times out)


public Transaction getTransaction()
Returns the transaction associated with this request
Specified by:
getTransaction in interface GatewayTpacallAsyncReply


public void setTargetSubject( kid,
Specified by:
setTargetSubject in interface GatewayTpacallAsyncReply

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