BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference
Interface TypedBuffer

All Known Implementing Classes:
StandardTypes, TypedCArray, TypedFML, TypedFML32, TypedString, TypedXML

public interface TypedBuffer

This interface is for TypedBuffers. Typed buffers must all implement the getType and getSubtype API, which take the place of the regular atmi function tptypes. Furthermore, they must implement _tmpresend and _tmpostrecv, which put the TypedBuffer object into encoded format or decode the encoded format. This is similar functionality to the Serializable interface, except that these functions must encode their objects in the format expected by the TUXEDO System (which, generally is XDR based).

Copyright © 2002 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Method Summary
 void _tmpostrecv( decoder, int recv_size)
          This function takes an encoded byte array and and fills in the object it corresponding object.
 void _tmpresend( encoder)
          This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object.
 int getHintIndex()
          This function returns the hint index for this type and subtype.
 java.lang.String getSubtype()
          This function returns the string version of the subtype of this buffer.
 java.lang.String getType()
          This function returns the string version of the type of this buffer.

Method Detail


public int getHintIndex()
This function returns the hint index for this type and subtype. In ATMI TypedBuffers are referred to by an index number. BEA has reserved the index numbers 0-15 for internal types. The public index begins at 16. The index numbers come from the position of the buffer type in the buffer type switch table. So, for example, CARRAY has an index of 16, STRING has an index of 17 and so on. If you have created your own buffer type there is distinct performance improvement in giving your new TypedBuffer the same index as it would have on your native TUXEDO system.

an integer representing the typeswitch index for this TypedBuffer.


public java.lang.String getType()
This function returns the string version of the type of this buffer.

a String object that represents the type of this buffer


public java.lang.String getSubtype()
This function returns the string version of the subtype of this buffer.

a String object that represents the subtype of this buffer. May return NULL or the empty string if there is no subtype associated with this buffer


public void _tmpresend( encoder)
                throws TPException,
This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object. It is equivalent to the combination of _tmpresend and _tmencdec functions from the buffer(3i) TUXEDO manual page.

encoder - The output stream to encode this type to. Should not be padded.
TPException -
  • TPEINVAL - If there was some problem with the state of the TypedBuffer.
  • Any other errno is considered a fatal error - If there was an error writing to the DataOutputStream


public void _tmpostrecv( decoder,
                        int recv_size)
                 throws TPException,
This function takes an encoded byte array and and fills in the object it corresponding object. It is equivalent to the combination of _tmencdec and _tmpostrecv functions from the buffer(3i) TUXEDO manual page.

decoder - A stream that starts with the encoded data for this buffer type. Only recv_size bytes should be read from the stream (though at the time this function is called all bytes necessary to decode this type should be available)
recv_size - The total size of encoded data from the start position (note that encoded may be larger than the actual recieved size)
TPException - TPEINVAL if this stream could not be decoded for any reason - if there was an error reading from the stream

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