BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference

Package weblogic.xml.schema.binding

Provides a framework for defining a data binding between XML Schema types and Java types.


Interface Summary
Deserializer A Deserialzer is responsible for taking an xml instance of some Schema Type and creating and populating a corresponding Java Object.
Serializer A Serialzer is responsible for taking a java Object and writing a xml instance of some Schema Type.

Class Summary

Exception Summary
DeserializationException A DeserializationException is thrown if an error occurs during deserializtion.
SerializationException A SerializationException is thrown if an error occurs during serializtion.

Package weblogic.xml.schema.binding Description

Provides a framework for defining a data binding between XML Schema types and Java types.

The general process of creating a binding would be:

TypeMappingBuilderFactory bf = new  TypeMappingBuilderFactory();
TypeMappingBuilder builder = bf.createTypeMappingBuilder();
builder.writeGeneratedSchemas( xmlWriter );
TypeMapping mapping = builder.getTypeMapping();

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