BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference

Package weblogic.xml.xpath

This package contains all of the classes required to perform XPath matching against a document represented as a DOM, XMLNode, or against an XMLInputStream.


Interface Summary
XPathStreamObserver Defines objects which wish to be notified when events encountered in an XMLInputStream match a particular xpath.

Class Summary
DOMXPath Evaluates an XPath against a DOM representation of an XML document.

StreamXPath Represents an xpath for evaluation against an XMLInputStream.
XMLNodeXPath Evaluates an XPath against an XMLNode representation of an XML document.
XPathStreamFactory Creates XMLInputStreams which perform xpath matching and notify XPathStreamObservers of the results.

Exception Summary
XPathException Base class for exceptions which indicate that something went awry while parsing or evaluating an XPath.
XPathParsingException Thrown to indicate that an error occurred during the parsing of an XPath, usually as the result of a syntactical error in the xpath.
XPathUnsupportedException Exception thrown when an attempt is made to parse an XPath which contains expressions that cannot be supported by the chosen document-inspection model.

Package weblogic.xml.xpath Description

This package contains all of the classes required to perform XPath matching against a document represented as a DOM, XMLNode, or against an XMLInputStream.

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