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Programming WebLogic Server J2EE Connectors

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Writing J2EE Connector Architecture-Compliant Resource Adapters

The following sections identify the requirements for developing a compliant Resource Adapter, as identified in the J2EE Platform Specification, Version 1.3 Final Release— The following sections correspond to the System Contract requirements identified in this specification:

Note: For instructions on building a resource adapter, see the BEA WebLogic Application Integration documentation at:


Connection Management

The connection management contract requirements for a resource adapter are as follows:


Security Management

The security management contract requirements for a resource adapter are as follows:


Transaction Management

This section outlines the transaction management contract requirements for a resource adapter. A resource adapter can be classified based on the level of transaction support, as follows:

Note: Other levels of support (includes any transaction optimizations supported by an underlying resource manager) are outside the scope of the Connector Architecture.

The above levels reflect the major steps of transaction support that a resource adapter needs to make to allow external transaction coordination. Depending on its transaction capabilities and requirements of its underlying EIS, a resource adapter can choose to support any one of the above transaction support levels.


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