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WebLogic SNMP Management Guide

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Trap Notifications

You can configure the WebLogic SNMP agent to detect certain thresholds or conditions within a managed resource and send a report (trap notification) to one or more SNMP managers.

This topic describes the trap notifications that the WebLogic SNMP agent can generate:

This topic also describes how to disable trap notifications, on Disabling Trap Generation.

For information on specifying the destinations of trap notifications from the WebLogic SNMP agent, refer to Using SNMP to Manage WebLogic Server.


Format of WebLogic Trap Notifications

The WebLogic SNMP agent sends each trap notification to SNMP managers in the form of a protocol data unit (PDU) with the fields indicated in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 SNMP Trap Packet


The fields have the following meaning:


Automatically Generated WebLogic SNMP Traps

If you enable the SNMP service for a domain, the WebLogic SNMP agent automatically generates the trap notifications described in Table 2-3. Some of these traps include name/value pairs in the PDU to further describe the event.

Table 2-3 Automatically Generated Trap Notifications


Generated When

Variable Bindings


The Administration Server starts.



An SNMP manager sends an incorrect community string. The community string prefix is the actual password and must match the value that you set in the Community Prefix field of the Administration Console. (See Using SNMP to Manage WebLogic Server.)



A WebLogic Managed Server that was down is now up.

Contains two name/value pairs to identify server start time and the server name.


A Managed Server that was up is now down.

Contains two name/value pairs to identify server down time and the server name.



Log Message Traps

Subsystems and deployable modules (such as applications) on a WebLogic Server instance generate log messages to communicate status or other operational data.

Each server instance saves these messages in a local log file and then broadcasts them as JMX notifications. You can set up the WebLogic SNMP agent to listen for all of these messages or you can set up a filter based on criteria such as the following:

For example, you can specify that only messages from the Security Service of severity level ERROR or higher are sent to the SNMP agent. For information on setting up the SNMP agent to listen for messages, refer to "Create a Notification Log Filter" in the Administration Console Online Help.

When the agent receives a message, it generates an SNMP log notification trap. (See Figure 2-2.)

Figure 2-2 Log Message Traps


Variable Bindings in Log Message Traps

This section describes the name/value pairs that the log messages traps pass to the SNMP manager in the variable bindings field:

For more information on log messages and the WebLogic Server logging subsystem, refer to "Using Log Messages to Manage WebLogic Server" in the WebLogic Server Administration Guide.


Monitor Traps

Instead of using an SNMP manager to periodically poll WebLogic resources for changes in conditions, you can configure Java Management Extension (JMX) monitors and assign them to instances of WebLogic Server. The monitors poll the MBeans of WebLogic resources at a specified interval and send notifications to the WebLogic SNMP agent when an event that you specify occurs, such as the crossing of a threshold. The SNMP agent generates a trap notification and sends it to the SNMP managers. (See Figure 2-3.)

Figure 2-3 Monitor Traps


If you are unfamiliar with WebLogic Server MBeans and how they are distributed throughout a WebLogic domain, refer to WebLogic Server Managed Resources and MBeans.

You can configure three types of JMX monitors, depending on the data type of the attribute that you want to observe (the MBean's Javadoc describes the type of data that its attributes return):

Variable Bindings in Monitor Traps

A JMX monitor polls for a specified threshold or condition and the agent generates a monitor trap when the specified threshold is crossed, or the specified condition occurs. The WebLogic SNMP agent includes the following name/value pairs in the variable bindings of each monitor trap:


Attribute Change Traps

While you can use JMX monitors to periodically poll WebLogic Server resources for changes to attributes that exceed the bounds of specific thresholds, you can also configure the SNMP agent to send a trap immediately after an attribute is changed in any way. For example, you can use a monitor to poll for changes in the current number of active JDBC pools. If the number of active pools exceeds a threshold, the SNMP agent can send a trap. You would use an attribute change trap to detect whether an attribute such as the name of a JDBC pool or the listen port has been changed.

For information on configuring the SNMP agent to send attribute change traps, refer to "Create an Attribute Change" in the Administration Console Online Help.

Variable Bindings in Attribute Change Traps

An attribute change trap notification includes the following name/value pairs in the variable bindings:

Note: Creation of monitors for changes in run-time attributes is not supported. Only attributes in the configuration MIB can be monitored for change of attribute value.


Disabling Trap Generation

When you create an entry for a particular type of trap such as a log filter trap or JMX monitor trap, generation of such traps is only activated once the Administration Server is restarted. However, for any trap request that you have created, you can de-activate the trap generation dynamically via the Administration Console (or the weblogic.Admin command line interface).

When you enable trap generation for a particular type of trap, you create an entry in the table for that type of trap that is displayed in the Administration Console. To de-activate that trap, simply delete the entry in the trap table. Thus, if you have created a JMX counter monitor to poll for a specified condition, you can turn off that monitor by deleting the entry for that counter monitor in the table at SNMP—>Traps—>Monitors—>SNMP Counter Monitors.


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