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WebLogic Server 8.1 Upgrade Guide

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Upgrading WebLogic Server 7.0 to Version 8.1

Upgrading Your WebLogic Server Configuration: Main Steps

Modifying Startup Scripts

Understanding the WebLogic Server 8.1 Directory Structure

Upgrading an Application from WebLogic Server 7.0 to WebLogic Server 8.1

Additional Upgrade Procedures and Information

Apache Xalan XML Transformer

Apache Xerces XML Parser

Web Applications

Web Services

EJB 2.0

Run DDConverter Before Using New Features

New Default Values for EJB Deployment Descriptor Elements

Inserting a New CMP Bean at Commit Time


New weblogic-ra-xml Deployment Descriptor Elements

Deployment Descriptor Editing

Last-resource Commit Optimization

weblogic-ra.xml Deployment Descriptor Changes

Connection Proxy Wrapper

Application Container Managed Security Log Messages

Classloader and Packaging Issues



Security Data Is Now Written to the config.xml file

Web Resource Is Replaced by URL Resource

Keystores Are Supported

Custom Keystore Providers Are No Longer Supported

The WebLogic Keystore Provider Is Deprecated

Using Flat Files for Identity and Trust Is Deprecated

Using SSL from Java Clients




Prepared Statement Cache Algorithm

Pool, JTS/JTA, and RMI Connections

Writable config.xml File

Upgrading WebLogic Server 6.x to Version 8.1

Upgrading Your WebLogic Server Configuration: Main Steps

Modifying Startup Scripts

Understanding the WebLogic Server 8.1 Directory Structure

Upgrading an Application from WebLogic Server 6.x to WebLogic Server 8.1

Additional Upgrade Procedures and Information

Apache Xalan XML Transformer

Apache Xerces XML Parser

Applications Directory


EJB 2.0 Changes

max-beans-in-cache Parameter

Fully Qualified Path Expressions




Jolt Java Client


Managed Servers

MBean API Change


Thread Pool Size

Web Applications

WebLogic Server Clusters on Solaris

Web Services

Writable config.xml File

Deprecated APIs and Features

Removed APIs and Features

Upgrading WebLogic Server 4.5 and 5.1 to Version 8.1

Upgrading Your WebLogic Server Configuration: Main Steps

Upgrading WebLogic Server License Files

Converting a WebLogicLicense.class License

Converting a WebLogicLicense.XML License

Converting the File to XML Files

Classloading in WebLogic Server 8.1

Modifying Startup Scripts

WebLogic Server 8.1 J2EE Application Types

Converting Your Existing Applications into Web Applications

XML Deployment Descriptors

WAR Files

Deploying Web Applications

Session Porting

JavaServer Pages (JSPs) and Servlets

Porting a Simple Servlet from WebLogic Server 5.1 to WebLogic Server 8.1

Porting and Converting Enterprise JavaBeans Applications

EJB Porting Considerations

EJB Porting Recommendations

Steps for Porting a 1.0 EJB from WebLogic Server 4.5.x to WebLogic Server 8.1

Steps for Porting a 1.1 EJB from WebLogic Server 5.1 to WebLogic Server 8.1

Steps for Converting an EJB 1.1 to an EJB 2.0

Porting EJBs from Other J2EE Application Servers

Creating an Enterprise Application

Understanding J2EE Client Applications

Upgrading JMS

Upgrading Oracle

Additional Porting and Deployment Considerations

Applications and Managed Servers



Internationalization (I18N)

Java Transaction API (JTA)

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)




Converting the File

Porting Security Realms

Session Porting

Standalone HTML and JSPs

Web Components

Wireless Application Protocol Applications

Writable config.xml File

XML 8.1 Parser and Transformer

Deprecated APIs and Features

Removed APIs and Features

The Mapping Table

Upgrading Example Applications to WebLogic Server 8.1

Terms Used in This Document

Upgrading the Pet Store Application from WebLogic Server 7.0 to WebLogic Server 8.1

Upgrading the Pet Store Application from WebLogic Server 6.1 Service Pack 4 to WebLogic Server 8.1

Upgrading the Banking Application from WebLogic Server 5.1 to WebLogic Server 8.1

Convert the File

Configure the Banking Application for WebLogic Server 8.1

Edit the startmigration Script

Copy Banking Application Files to the Output Directory

Deploy and Run the Banking Application


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