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Read Only SQL Authenticator : Provider Specific

Configuration Options     Related Tasks     Related Topics

Use this page to define the provider specific configuration for this Read-Only SQL Authentication provider.

Configuration Options

Name Description
Plaintext Passwords Enabled

Specifies whether plaintext passwords are allowed to be used.

MBean Attribute:

Data Source Name

The data source used by this Read-Only SQL Authentication provider.

MBean Attribute:

Group Membership Searching

Specifies whether recursive group membership searching is unlimited or limited. Valid values are unlimited and limited.

MBean Attribute:

Max Group Membership Search Level

This specifies how many levels of group membership can be searched. This setting is valid only if Group Membership Searching is set to limited. Valid values are 0 and positive integers. For example, 0 indicates only direct group memberships will be found, a positive number indicates the number of levels to go down.

MBean Attribute:

SQL Get Users Password

The SQL statement used to look up a user's password. The SQL statement requires a single parameter for the username and must return a resultSet containing at most a single record containing the password.

MBean Attribute:

SQL User Exists

The SQL statement used to look up a user. The SQL statement requires a single parameter for the username and must return a resultSet containing at most a single record containing the user.

MBean Attribute:

SQL List Users

The SQL statement used to retrieve users that match a particular wildcard search The SQL statement requires a single parameter for the wildcarded usernames and returns a resultSet containing matching usernames

MBean Attribute:

SQL List Groups

The SQL statement used to retrieve group names that match a wildcard The SQL statement requires a single parameter for the wildcarded group name and return a resultSet containing matching group names

MBean Attribute:

SQL Group Exists

The SQL statement used to look up a group. The SQL statement requires a single parameter for the group name and must return a resultSet containing at most a single record containing the group

MBean Attribute:

SQL Is Member

The SQL statement used to look up members of a group. The SQL statement requires two parameters: a group name and a member or group name. It must return a resultSet containing the group names that matched

MBean Attribute:

SQL List Member Groups

The SQL statement used to look up the groups a user or group is a member of. The SQL statement requires a single parameter for the username or group name and returns a resultSet containing the names of the groups that matched.

MBean Attribute:

Descriptions Supported

Indicates whether user and group descriptions are supported by the database used by the authentication provider.

MBean Attribute:

SQL Get User Description

The SQL statement used to retrieve the description of a specific user. Only valid if Descriptions Supported is enabled. The SQL statement requires a single parameter for the username and must return a resultSet containing at most a single record containing the user description.

MBean Attribute:

SQL Get Group Description

The SQL statement used to retrieve the description of a group. Only valid if Descriptions Supported is enabled. The SQL statement requires a single parameter for the group name and must return a resultSet containing at most a single record containing the group description.

MBean Attribute:

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