BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use CoreDocumentImpl

Uses of CoreDocumentImpl in weblogic.apache.html.dom

Subclasses of CoreDocumentImpl in weblogic.apache.html.dom
 class HTMLDocumentImpl
          Implements an HTML document.

Uses of CoreDocumentImpl in weblogic.apache.wml.dom

Subclasses of CoreDocumentImpl in weblogic.apache.wml.dom
 class WMLDocumentImpl

Uses of CoreDocumentImpl in weblogic.apache.xerces.dom

Subclasses of CoreDocumentImpl in weblogic.apache.xerces.dom
 class DeferredDocumentImpl
          Deprecated. please use JDK supplied XML parsers and transformers
 class DocumentImpl
          Deprecated. please use JDK supplied XML parsers and transformers
 class PSVIDocumentImpl
          Deprecated. please use JDK supplied XML parsers and transformers

Fields in weblogic.apache.xerces.dom declared as CoreDocumentImpl
protected  CoreDocumentImpl ParentNode.ownerDocument
          Deprecated. Owner document.
protected  CoreDocumentImpl DOMNormalizer.fDocument
protected  CoreDocumentImpl DOMNormalizer.XMLAttributesProxy.fDocument

Methods in weblogic.apache.xerces.dom with parameters of type CoreDocumentImpl
 void TextImpl.setValues(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDoc, String data)
          Deprecated. NON-DOM: resets node and sets specified values for the current node
protected  void ElementNSImpl.setValues(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument, String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, String localName)
          Deprecated. NON-DOM: resets this node and sets specified values for the node
protected  void DOMNormalizer.normalizeDocument(CoreDocumentImpl document)
          Deprecated. Normalizes document.
 void DOMNormalizer.XMLAttributesProxy.setAttributes(AttributeMap attributes, CoreDocumentImpl doc, ElementImpl elem)
protected  void CoreDocumentImpl.cloneNode(CoreDocumentImpl newdoc, boolean deep)
          Deprecated. internal method to share code with subclass
 void AttrNSImpl.setValues(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument, String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, String localName)
          Deprecated. NON-DOM: resets this node and sets specified values for the node

Constructors in weblogic.apache.xerces.dom with parameters of type CoreDocumentImpl
TextImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDoc, String data)
          Deprecated. Factory constructor.
PSVIElementNSImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument, String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, String localName)
          Deprecated. Construct an element node.
PSVIElementNSImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument, String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName)
          Deprecated. Construct an element node.
PSVIAttrNSImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument, String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, String localName)
          Deprecated. Construct an attribute node.
PSVIAttrNSImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument, String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName)
          Deprecated. Construct an attribute node.
ProcessingInstructionImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDoc, String target, String data)
          Deprecated. Factory constructor.
ParentNode(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument)
          Deprecated. No public constructor; only subclasses of ParentNode should be instantiated, and those normally via a Document's factory methods
NotationImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDoc, String name)
          Deprecated. Factory constructor.
NodeImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument)
          Deprecated. No public constructor; only subclasses of Node should be instantiated, and those normally via a Document's factory methods
EntityReferenceImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDoc, String name)
          Deprecated. Factory constructor.
EntityImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDoc, String name)
          Deprecated. Factory constructor.
ElementNSImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument, String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName)
          Deprecated. DOM2: Constructor for Namespace implementation.
ElementNSImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument, String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, String localName)
ElementNSImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument, String value)
ElementImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDoc, String name)
          Deprecated. Factory constructor.
ElementDefinitionImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument, String name)
          Deprecated. Factory constructor.
DocumentTypeImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument, String name)
          Deprecated. Factory method for creating a document type node.
DocumentTypeImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument, String qualifiedName, String publicID, String systemID)
          Deprecated. Factory method for creating a document type node.
DocumentFragmentImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDoc)
          Deprecated. Factory constructor.
CommentImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDoc, String data)
          Deprecated. Factory constructor.
ChildNode(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument)
          Deprecated. No public constructor; only subclasses of Node should be instantiated, and those normally via a Document's factory methods
CharacterDataImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument, String data)
          Deprecated. Factory constructor.
CDATASectionImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDoc, String data)
          Deprecated. Factory constructor for creating a CDATA section.
AttrNSImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument, String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName)
          Deprecated. DOM2: Constructor for Namespace implementation.
AttrNSImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument, String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, String localName)
AttrNSImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument, String value)
AttrImpl(CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument, String name)
          Deprecated. Attribute has no public constructor.

Uses of CoreDocumentImpl in weblogic.apache.xerces.parsers

Fields in weblogic.apache.xerces.parsers declared as CoreDocumentImpl
protected  CoreDocumentImpl AbstractDOMParser.fDocumentImpl
          Deprecated. The default Xerces document implementation, if used.

Documentation is available at
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