BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use XSGrammarBucket

Uses of XSGrammarBucket in weblogic.apache.xerces.impl.xs

Methods in weblogic.apache.xerces.impl.xs with parameters of type XSGrammarBucket
static void XSConstraints.fullSchemaChecking(XSGrammarBucket grammarBucket, SubstitutionGroupHandler SGHandler, weblogic.apache.xerces.impl.xs.models.CMBuilder cmBuilder, XMLErrorReporter errorReporter)
          Deprecated. used to check the 3 constraints against each complex type (should be each model group): Unique Particle Attribution, Particle Derivation (Restriction), Element Declrations Consistent.

Constructors in weblogic.apache.xerces.impl.xs with parameters of type XSGrammarBucket
SubstitutionGroupHandler(XSGrammarBucket grammarBucket)
          Deprecated. Default constructor

Uses of XSGrammarBucket in weblogic.apache.xerces.parsers

Fields in weblogic.apache.xerces.parsers declared as XSGrammarBucket
protected  XSGrammarBucket DOMASBuilderImpl.fGrammarBucket

Documentation is available at
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