BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 API Reference

Interface XMLDTDSource

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
XMLDTDProcessor, XMLDTDScannerImpl

Deprecated. please use JDK supplied XML parsers and transformers

public interface XMLDTDSource

Defines a DTD source. In other words, any object that implements this interface is able to emit DTD "events" to the registered DTD handler. These events could be produced by parsing an XML document's internal or external subset, could be generated from some other source, or could be created programmatically. This interface does not say how the events are created, only that the implementor is able to emit them.

Method Summary
 void setDTDHandler(XMLDTDHandler handler)
          Deprecated. Sets the DTD handler.

Method Detail


public void setDTDHandler(XMLDTDHandler handler)
Sets the DTD handler.

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