BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use DeploymentOptions
weblogic.deploy.api.spi Provides for deploying applications and standalone modules to server instances and clusters in a WebLogic Server domain. 

Uses of DeploymentOptions in weblogic.deploy.api.spi

Methods in weblogic.deploy.api.spi with parameters of type DeploymentOptions
 ProgressObject WebLogicDeploymentManager.deploy(TargetModuleID[] tmids, File application, File plan, DeploymentOptions options)
          A convenience method for distributing and starting an application.
 ProgressObject WebLogicDeploymentManager.update(TargetModuleID[] modules, File plan, DeploymentOptions options)
          Allows for updating an application configuration using an changed deployment plan.
 ProgressObject WebLogicDeploymentManager.redeploy(TargetModuleID[] modules, File app, String[] delta, DeploymentOptions options)
          Redeploys named files in a staged application.
 ProgressObject WebLogicDeploymentManager.undeploy(TargetModuleID[] modules, File app, String[] delta, DeploymentOptions options)
          Removes staged files from an existing deployment.
 ProgressObject WebLogicDeploymentManager.start(TargetModuleID[] modules, DeploymentOptions options)
          Starts an application, making it available to users.
 ProgressObject WebLogicDeploymentManager.stop(TargetModuleID[] modules, DeploymentOptions options)
          Stops an application, making it unavailable to users.
 ProgressObject WebLogicDeploymentManager.undeploy(TargetModuleID[] modules, DeploymentOptions options)
          Undeploys an application, removing it from the domain configuration.
 ProgressObject WebLogicDeploymentManager.distribute(Target[] targets, File application, File plan, DeploymentOptions options)
          Distributes an application.
 ProgressObject WebLogicDeploymentManager.distribute(TargetModuleID[] targets, File application, File plan, DeploymentOptions options)
          Distributes an application.
 ProgressObject WebLogicDeploymentManager.distribute(Target[] targets, InputStream application, InputStream plan, DeploymentOptions options)
          Distributes an application.
 ProgressObject WebLogicDeploymentManager.redeploy(TargetModuleID[] modules, File application, File plan, DeploymentOptions options)
          Redeploys an application and plan without affecting the session state.
 ProgressObject WebLogicDeploymentManager.redeploy(TargetModuleID[] modules, InputStream application, InputStream plan, DeploymentOptions options)
          Redeploys an application and deployment plan without affecting the session state.
 ProgressObject WebLogicDeploymentManager.activate(TargetModuleID[] tmids, File application, File plan, DeploymentOptions options)

Uses of DeploymentOptions in

Methods in that return DeploymentOptions
 DeploymentOptions DeploymentData.getDeploymentOptions()

Methods in with parameters of type DeploymentOptions
 void DeploymentData.setDeploymentOptions(DeploymentOptions opts)

Documentation is available at
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