BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidDyeException
weblogic.diagnostics.context This package provides interfaces that retrieve or modify the contents of a diagnostic context. 

Uses of InvalidDyeException in weblogic.diagnostics.context

Methods in weblogic.diagnostics.context that throw InvalidDyeException
 void DiagnosticContextImpl.setDye(byte dye, boolean enable)
          Add or remove a dye into the context.
 boolean DiagnosticContextImpl.isDyedWith(byte dye)
          Check if request is dyed with specified dye.
static void DiagnosticContextHelper.setDye(byte dye, boolean enable)
          Sets an application-available dye flag (DYE_0 throughDYE_7) to be used to mark the diagnostic context.
static boolean DiagnosticContextHelper.isDyedWith(byte dye)
          Tests whether the diagnostic context is marked with the given dye.
 void DiagnosticContext.setDye(byte dye, boolean enable)
          Adds or removes a dye from the diagnostic context.
 boolean DiagnosticContext.isDyedWith(byte dye)
          Checks if request is dyed with specified dye.

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