BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 API Reference



Interface Summary
WLSPrincipal The WLSPrincipal interface is a convenience interface that defines a principal whose name field will be signed by the PrincipalValidatorImpl class.

Class Summary
WLSAbstractPrincipal The WLSAbstractPrincipal class is a convenience abstract class that implements a principal whose name field will be signed by the PrincipalValidatorImpl class.
WLSGroupImpl The WLSGroupImpl class is a convenience class that implements a WLSGroup principal whose name field will be signed by the PrincipalValidatorImpl class.
WLSUserImpl The WLSUserImpl is a convenience class that implements a WLSUser principal whose name field will be signed by the PrincipalValidatorImpl class.

Package Description

This package includes interfaces and classes for those who are interested in understanding how the WebLogic Principal Validation provider works, and for those interested in developing a custom Principal Validation provider.

The interfaces and classes in this package are provided as a convenience and are not required by WebLogic Server. The interfaces and classes in this package all use the sign method in the PrincipalValidatorImpl class to generate a random seed and compute a digest based on that random seed.

See Also:, Principal Validation Providers

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.