BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 API Reference

Interface AsyncPreCallContext

public interface AsyncPreCallContext

This is a context object that you need to use when making asynchronous web services invocations.

Copyright © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Method Summary
 Object setProperty(String name, Object value)
          Set a property on the context.
 void setTimeout(long numSec)
          Set the timeout for the particular asynchronous web services invoke.

Method Detail


public Object setProperty(String name,
                          Object value)
Set a property on the context.

name - Name of the property
value - Value of the property
The previous value of the named property, null if no such property was set.


public void setTimeout(long numSec)
Set the timeout for the particular asynchronous web services invoke. After the timeout, any asynchronous result coming back may not be recognized.

numSec - Number of seconds for the timeout.

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Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.