BEA Systems, Inc.

Type-Safe Access to BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 MBeans (Deprecated)

(Methods marked with @since are not available through the deprecated MBeanHome interface.)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use SNMPTrapDestinationMBean   

Uses of SNMPTrapDestinationMBean in

Methods in that return SNMPTrapDestinationMBean
 SNMPTrapDestinationMBean[] SNMPAgentMBean.getTargetedTrapDestinations()
          WebLogic Server uses a trap destination to specify the SNMP management station and the community name used by the SNMP agent to send trap notifications.
 SNMPTrapDestinationMBean SNMPAgentMBean.createSNMPTrapDestination(String name)
          Factory method to create SNMPTrapDestination objects
 SNMPTrapDestinationMBean SNMPAgentMBean.lookupSNMPTrapDestination(String name)
 SNMPTrapDestinationMBean[] SNMPAgentMBean.getSNMPTrapDestinations()
          WebLogic Server uses a trap destination to specify the SNMP management station and the community name used by the SNMP agent to send trap notifications.

Methods in with parameters of type SNMPTrapDestinationMBean
 void SNMPAgentMBean.setTargetedTrapDestinations(SNMPTrapDestinationMBean[] snmpTrapDestinations)
          Sets the value of the TargetedTrapDestinations attribute.
 boolean SNMPAgentMBean.addTargetedTrapDestination(SNMPTrapDestinationMBean trapdestination)
          Adds a feature to the TargetedTrapDestinations attribute of the SNMPAgentMBean object
 boolean SNMPAgentMBean.removeTargetedTrapDestination(SNMPTrapDestinationMBean trapdestination)
 void SNMPAgentMBean.destroySNMPTrapDestination(SNMPTrapDestinationMBean trapdestination)
          Removes a SNMPTrapDestination from this SNMPAgent
 boolean SNMPAgentMBean.addSNMPTrapDestination(SNMPTrapDestinationMBean trapdestination)

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.