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Programming WebLogic RMI

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CORBA Support for WebLogic Server 9.0

The following sections provide the official specifications for CORBA support for this release of WebLogic Server:


Specification References

In general, this release of WebLogic Server adheres to the OMG specifications required by J2EE 1.4. For this release, the WebLogic ORB is compliant with following specification references:

Note: If the above links do not take you to the referenced specification, the OMG may have changed the URL. You can search the Object Management Group website for the correct specification.


Supported Specification Details

Not all of the above specifications are implemented in the WebLogic ORB in this release. The following section provides a precise list of the supported specifications by chapter or section:



For this release, the WebLogic ORB is compliant with the following tools:



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