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Programming Web Services for WebLogic Server

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Administering Web Services

The following sections describe how to administer WebLogic Web Services:


Overview of WebLogic Web Services Administration Tasks

When you use the jwsc Ant task to compile and package a WebLogic Web Service, the task packages it as part of an Enterprise Application. The Web Service itself is packaged inside the Enterprise application as either an EJB JAR or a Web application WAR file, depending on the Web Service implementation. Therefore, basic administration of Web Services is very similar to basic administration of standard J2EE applications and modules. These standard tasks include:

The following administrative tasks are specific to Web Services:


Administration Tools

There are a variety of ways to administer J2EE modules and applications that run on WebLogic Server, including Web Services; use the tool that best fits your needs:


Using the Administration Console

The BEA WebLogic Server Administration Console is a Web browser-based, graphical user interface you use to manage a WebLogic Server domain, one or more WebLogic Server instances, clusters, and applications, including Web Services, that are deployed to the server or cluster.

One instance of WebLogic Server in each domain is configured as an Administration Server. The Administration Server provides a central point for managing a WebLogic Server domain. All other WebLogic Server instances in a domain are called Managed Servers. In a domain with only a single WebLogic Server instance, that server functions both as Administration Server and Managed Server. The Administration Server hosts the Administration Console, which is a Web Application accessible from any supported Web browser with network access to the Administration Server.

You can use the System Administration Console to:

Invoking the Administration Console

To invoke the Administration Console in your browser, enter the following URL:



Click the Help button, located at the top right corner of the Administration Console, to invoke the Online Help for detailed instructions on using the Administration Console.

The following figure shows the main Administration Console window.

Figure 11-1 WebLogic Server Administration Console Main Window

WebLogic Server Administration Console Main Window


How Web Services Are Displayed In the Administration Console

Web Services are typically deployed to WebLogic Server as part of an Enterprise Application. The Enterprise Application can be either archived as an EAR, or be in exploded directory format. The Web Service itself is packaged as either a Web Application or an EJB, depending on its implementation. The Web Service can be in archived format (WAR or JAR file, respectively) or as an exploded directory.

It is not required that a Web Service be installed as part of an Enterprise application; it can be installed as just the Web Application or EJB. However, BEA recommends that users install the Web Service as part of an Enterprise application. The WebLogic Ant task used to create a Web Service, jwsc, always packages the generated Web Service into an Enterprise application.

To view and update the Web Service-specific configuration information about a Web Service using the Administration Console, click on the Deployments node in the left pane and, in the Deployments table that appears in the right pane, find the Enterprise application in which the Web Service is packaged. Expand the application by clicking the + node; the Web Services in the application are listed under the Web Services category. Click on the name of the Web Service to view or update its configuration.

The following figure shows how the HandlerChainService Web Service, packaged inside the GlobalHandler Enterprise application, is displayed in the Deployments table of the Administration Console.

Figure 11-2 Web Service Displayed in Deployments Table of Administration Console

Web Service Displayed in Deployments Table of Administration Console


Creating a Web Services Security Configuration

When a deployed WebLogic Web Service has been configured to use message-level security (encryption and digital signatures, as described by the WS-Security specification), the Web Services runtime determines whether a Web Service security configuration is also associated with the service. This security configuration specifies information such as whether to use an X.509 certificate for identity, whether to use password digests, the keystore to be used for encryption, and so on. A single security configuration can be associated with many Web Services.

Because Web Services security configurations are domain-wide, you create them from the domainName > WebService Security tab of the Administration Console, rather than the Deployments tab. The following figure shows the location of this tab.

Figure 11-3 Web Service Security Configuration in Administration Console

Web Service Security Configuration in Administration Console



Using the WebLogic Scripting Tool

The WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) is a command-line scripting interface that you can use to interact with and configure WebLogic Server domains and instances, as well as deploy J2EE modules and applications (including Web Services) to a particular WebLogic Server instance. Using WLST, system administrators and operators can initiate, manage, and persist WebLogic Server configuration changes.

Typically, the types of WLST commands you use to administer Web Services fall under the Deployment category.

For more information on using WLST, see WebLogic Scripting Tool .


Using WebLogic Ant Tasks

WebLogic Server includes a variety of Ant tasks that you can use to centralize many of the configuration and administrative tasks into a single Ant build script. These Ant tasks can:

See Using Ant Tasks to Configure a WebLogic Server Domain and wldeploy Ant Task Reference for specific information about the non-Web Services related WebLogic Ant tasks.


Using the Java Management Extensions (JMX)

A managed bean (MBean) is a Java bean that provides a Java Management Extensions (JMX) interface. JMX is the J2EE solution for monitoring and managing resources on a network. Like SNMP and other management standards, JMX is a public specification and many vendors of commonly used monitoring products support it.

BEA WebLogic Server provides a set of MBeans that you can use to configure, monitor, and manage WebLogic Server resources through JMX. WebLogic Web Services also have their own set of MBeans that you can use to perform some Web Service administrative tasks.

There are two types of MBeans: runtime (for read-only monitoring information) and configuration (for configuring the Web Service after it has been deployed).

The configuration Web Services MBeans are:

The runtime Web Services MBeans are:

For more information on JMX, see:


Using the J2EE Deployment API

In J2EE 1.4, the J2EE Application Deployment specification (JSR-88) defines a standard API that you can use to configure an application for deployment to a target application server environment.

The specification describes the J2EE 1.4 Deployment architecture, which in turn defines the contracts that enable tools or application programmers to configure and deploy applications on any J2EE platform product. The contracts define a uniform model between tools and J2EE platform products for application deployment configuration and deployment. The Deployment architecture makes it easier to deploy applications: Deployers do not have to learn all the features of many different J2EE deployment tools in order to deploy an application on many different J2EE platform products.

See Deploying Applications to WebLogic Server for more information.


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