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Programming Web Services for WebLogic Server

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Iterative Development of WebLogic Web Services

The following sections describe the iterative development process for WebLogic Web Services:


Overview of the WebLogic Web Service Programming Model

The WebLogic Web Services programming model centers around JWS files (Java files that use JWS annotations to specify the shape and behavior of the Web Service) and Ant tasks that execute on the JWS file. JWS annotations are based on the new metadata feature of Version 5.0 of the JDK (specified by JSR-175), and include both the standard annotations defined by the Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform specification (JSR-181), as well as additional WebLogic-specific ones. For additional detailed information about this programming model, see Anatomy of a WebLogic Web Service.

The following sections describe the high-level steps for iteratively developing a Web Service, either starting from Java or starting from an existing WSDL file:

Iterative development refers to setting up your development environment in such a way so that you can repeatedly code, compile, package, deploy, and test a Web Service until it works as you want. The WebLogic Web Service programming model uses Ant tasks to perform most of the steps of the iterative development process. Typically, you create a single build.xml file that contains targets for all the steps, then repeatedly run the targets, after you have updated your JWS file with new Java code, to test that the updates work as you expect.


Iterative Development of WebLogic Web Services Starting From Java: Main Steps

This section describes the general procedure for iteratively developing WebLogic Web Services starting from Java, if effect, coding the JWS file from scratch and later generating the WSDL file that describes the service. See Common Web Services Use Cases and Examples, for specific examples of this process. The following procedure is just a recommendation; if you have already set up your own development environment, you can use this procedure as a guide for updating your existing environment to develop WebLogic Web Services.

This procedure does not use the WebLogic Web Services split development directory environment. If you are using this development environment, and would like to integrate Web Services development into it, see Integrating Web Services Into the WebLogic Split Development Directory Environment for details.

To iteratively develop a WebLogic Web Service starting from Java, follow these steps:

  1. Open a command window and set your WebLogic Server environment by executing the setDomainEnv.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) command, located in the bin subdirectory of your domain directory. The default location of WebLogic Server domains is BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains/domainName, where BEA_HOME is the top-level installation directory of the BEA products and domainName is the name of your domain.
  2. Create a project directory that will contain the JWS file, Java source for any user-defined data types, and the Ant build.xml file. You can name this directory anything you want.
  3. In the project directory, create the JWS file that implements your Web Service.
  4. See Programming the JWS File.

  5. If your Web Service uses user-defined data types, create the JavaBean that describes it.
  6. See Programming the User-Defined Java Data Type.

  7. In the project directory, create a basic Ant build file called build.xml.
  8. See Creating the Basic Ant build.xml File.

  9. Run the jwsc Ant task against the JWS file to generate source code, data binding artifacts, deployment descriptors, and so on, into an output directory. The jwsc Ant task generates an Enterprise Application directory structure at this output directory; later you deploy this exploded directory to WebLogic Server as part of the iterative development process.
  10. See Running the jwsc WebLogic Web Services Ant Task.

  11. Deploy the Web Service to WebLogic Server.
  12. See Deploying and Undeploying WebLogic Web Services.

  13. Invoke the WSDL of the Web Service to ensure that it was deployed correctly.
  14. See Browsing to the WSDL of the Web Service.

  15. Test the Web Service using the WebLogic Web Services test client.
  16. See Testing the Web Service.

  17. To make changes to the Web Service, update the JWS file, undeploy the Web Service as described in Deploying and Undeploying WebLogic Web Services, then repeat the steps starting from running the jwsc Ant task.

See Invoking Web Services, for information on writing client applications that invoke a Web Service.


Iterative Development of WebLogic Web Services Starting From a WSDL File: Main Steps

This section describes the general procedure for iteratively developing WebLogic Web Services based on an existing WSDL file. See Common Web Services Use Cases and Examples, for a specific example of this process. The procedure is just a recommendation; if you have already set up your own development environment, you can use this procedure as a guide for updating your existing environment to develop WebLogic Web Services.

This procedure does not use the WebLogic Web Services split development directory environment. If you are using this development environment, and would like to integrate Web Services development into it, see Integrating Web Services Into the WebLogic Split Development Directory Environment for details.

It is assumed in this procedure that you already have an existing WSDL file.

To iteratively develop a WebLogic Web Service starting from WSDL, follow these steps.

  1. Open a command window and set your WebLogic Server environment by executing the setDomainEnv.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) command, located in the bin subdirectory of your domain directory. The default location of WebLogic Server domains is BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains/domainName, where BEA_HOME is the top-level installation directory of the BEA products and domainName is the name of your domain.
  2. Create a project directory that will contain the generated artifacts and the Ant build.xml file. You can name this directory anything you want.
  3. In the project directory, create a basic Ant build file called build.xml.
  4. See Creating the Basic Ant build.xml File.

  5. Put your WSDL file in a directory that the build.xml Ant build file is able to read. For example, you can put the WSDL file in a wsdl_files child directory of the project directory.
  6. Run the wsdlc Ant task against the WSDL file to generate the JWS interface, the stubbed-out JWS class file, JavaBeans that represent the XML Schema data types, and so on, into output directories.
  7. See Running the wsdlc WebLogic Web Services Ant Task.

  8. Update the stubbed-out JWS file generated by the wsdlc Ant task, adding the business code to make the Web Service work as you want.
  9. See Updating the Stubbed-Out JWS Implementation Class File Generated By wsdlc.

  10. Run the jwsc Ant task, specifying the artifacts generated by the wsdlc Ant task as well as your updated JWS implementation file, to generate an Enterprise Application that implements the Web Service.
  11. See Running the jwsc WebLogic Web Services Ant Task.

  12. Deploy the Web Service to WebLogic Server.
  13. See Deploying and Undeploying WebLogic Web Services.

  14. Invoke the deployed WSDL of the Web Service to test that the service was deployed correctly.
  15. The URL used to invoke the WSDL of the deployed Web Service is essentially the same as the value of the location attribute of the <address> element in the original WSDL (except for the host and port values which now correspond to the host and port of the WebLogic Server instance to which you deployed the service.) This is because the wsdlc Ant task generated values for the contextPath and serviceURI of the @WLHttpTransport annotation in the JWS implementation file so that together they create the same URI as the endpoint address specified in the original WSDL.

    See either the original WSDL or Browsing to the WSDL of the Web Service for information about invoking the deployed WSDL.

  16. Test the Web Service using the WebLogic Web Services test client.
  17. See Testing the Web Service.

  18. To make changes to the Web Service, update the generated JWS file, undeploy the Web Service as described in Deploying and Undeploying WebLogic Web Services, then repeat the steps starting from running the jwsc Ant task.

See Invoking Web Services, for information on writing client applications that invoke a Web Service.


Creating the Basic Ant build.xml File

Ant uses build files written in XML (default name build.xml) that contain a <project> root element and one or more targets that specify different stages in the Web Services development process. Each target contains one or more tasks, or pieces of code that can be executed. This section describes how to create a basic Ant build file; later sections describe how to add targets to the build file that specify how to execute various stages of the Web Services development process, such as running the jwsc Ant task to process a JWS file and deploying the Web Service to WebLogic Server.

The following skeleton build.xml file specifies a default all target that calls all other targets that will be added in later sections:

<project default="all">
  <target name="all" 
depends="clean,build-service,deploy" />
  <target name="clean">
<delete dir="output" />
  <target name="build-service">
<!--add jwsc and related tasks here -->
  <target name="deploy">
<!--add wldeploy task here -->


Running the jwsc WebLogic Web Services Ant Task

The jwsc Ant task takes as input a JWS file that contains both standard (JSR-181) and WebLogic-specific JWS annotations and generates all the artifacts you need to create a WebLogic Web Service. The JWS file can be either one you coded yourself from scratch or one generated by the wsdlc Ant task. The jwsc-generated artifacts include:

If you are running the jwsc Ant task against a JWS file generated by the wsdlc Ant task, the jwsc task does not generate these artifacts, because the wsdlc Ant task already generated them for you and packaged them into a JAR file In this case, you use an attribute of the jwsc Ant task to specify this wsdlc-generated JAR file.

After generating all the required artifacts, the jwsc Ant task compiles the Java files (including your JWS file), packages the compiled classes and generated artifacts into a deployable JAR archive file, and finally creates an exploded Enterprise Application directory that contains the JAR file.

To run the jwsc Ant task, add the following taskdef and build-service target to the build.xml file:

<taskdef name="jwsc"
classname="" />
<target name="build-service">
<jws file="JWS_file"
compiledWsdl="WSDLC_Generated_JAR" />


The required taskdef element specifies the full class name of the jwsc Ant task.

Only the srcdir and destdir attributes of the jwsc Ant task are required. This means that, by default, it is assumed that Java files referenced by the JWS file (such as JavaBeans input parameters or user-defined exceptions) are in the same package as the JWS file. If this is not the case, use the sourcepath attribute to specify the top-level directory of these other Java files. See jwsc for more information.

The following build.xml excerpt shows an example of running the jwsc Ant task on a JWS file:

<taskdef name="jwsc"
classname="" />
<target name="build-service">
file="examples/webservices/hello_world/" />

In the example, the Enterprise Application will be generated, in exploded form, in output/helloWorldEar, relative to the current directory. The JWS file is called, and is located in the src/examples/webservices/hello_world directory, relative to the current directory. This implies that the JWS file is in the package examples.webservices.helloWorld.

The following example is similar to the preceding one, except that it uses the compiledWsdl attribute to specify the JAR file that contains wsdlc-generated artifacts (for the "starting with WSDL" use case):

  <taskdef name="jwsc"
classname="" />
  <target name="build-service">
          compiledWsdl="output/compiledWsdl/TemperatureService_wsdl.jar" />

In the preceding example, the file is the stubbed-out JWS file that you previously updated to include the business logic to make your service work as you want. Because the compiledWsdl attribute is specified and points to a JAR file, the jwsc Ant task does not regenerate the artifacts that are included in the JAR.

To actually run this task, type at the command line the following :

prompt> ant build-service

See jwsc for additional attributes of the jwsc Ant task.


Running the wsdlc WebLogic Web Services Ant Task

The wsdlc Ant task takes as input a WSDL file and generates artifacts that together partially implement a WebLogic Web Service. These artifacts include:

The wsdlc Ant task packages the JWS interface file and data binding artifacts together into a JAR file that you later specify to the jwsc Ant task. You never need to update this JAR file; the only file you update is the JWS implementation class.

To run the wsdlc Ant task, add the following taskdef and generate-from-wsdl targets to the build.xml file:

<taskdef name="wsdlc"
<target name="generate-from-wsdl">
packageName="Package_name" />


The required taskdef element specifies the full class name of the wsdlc Ant task.

Only the srcWsdl and destJwsDir attributes of the wsdlc Ant task are required. Typically, however, you also generate the stubbed-out JWS file to make your programming easier. BEA also recommends you explicitly specify the package name in case the targetNamespace of the WSDL file is not suitable to be converted into a readable package name.

The following build.xml excerpt shows an example of running the wsdlc Ant task against a WSDL file:

<taskdef name="wsdlc"
  <target name="generate-from-wsdl">
packageName="examples.webservices.wsdlc" />

In the example, the existing WSDL file is called TemperatureService.wsdl and is located in the wsdl_files subdirectory of the directory that contains the build.xml file. The JAR file that will contain the JWS interface and data binding artifacts is generated to the output/compiledWsdl directory; the name of the JAR file is TemperatureService_wsdl.jar. The package name of the generated JWS files is examples.webservices.wsdld. The stubbed-out JWS file is generated into the impl_output/examples/webservices/wsdlc directory relative to the current directory. Assuming that the port type name in the WSDL file is TemperaturePortType, then the name of the JWS implementation file is

To actually run this task, type the following at the command line:

prompt> ant generate-from-wsdl

See wsdlc for additional attributes of the wsdlc Ant task.


Updating the Stubbed-Out JWS Implementation Class File Generated By wsdlc

The wsdlc Ant task generates the stubbed-out JWS implementation file into the directory specified by its destImplDir attribute; the name of the file is, where PortType is the name of the portType in the original WSDL. The class file includes everything you need to compile it into a Web Service, except for your own business logic in the methods that implement the operations.

The JWS class implements the JWS Web Service endpoint interface that corresponds to the WSDL file; the JWS interface is also generated by wsdlc and is located in the JAR file that contains other artifacts, such as the Java representations of XML Schema data types in the WSDL and so on. The public methods of the JWS class correspond to the operations in the WSDL file.

The wsdlc Ant task automatically includes the @WebService and @WLHttpTransport annotations in the JWS implementation class; the values of the attributes correspond to equivalent values in the WSDL. For example, the serviceName attribute of @WebService is the same as the name attribute of the <service> element in the WSDL file; the contextPath and serviceUri attributes of @WLHttpTransport together make up the endpoint address specified by the location attribute of the <address> element in the WSDL.

When you update the JWS file, you add Java code to the methods so that the corresponding Web Service operations works as you want. Typically, the generated JWS file contains comments where you should add code, such as:

//replace with your impl here

You can also add additional JWS annotations to the file, with the following restrictions:

After you have updated the JWS file, BEA recommends that you move it to an official source location, rather than leaving it in the wsdlc output location.

The following example shows the wsdlc-generated JWS implementation file from the WSDL shown in Sample WSDL File; the text in bold indicates where you would add Java code to implement the single operation (getTemp) of the Web Service:

package examples.webservices.wsdlc;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import weblogic.jws.*;
* TemperaturePortTypeImpl class implements web service endpoint interface
* TemperaturePortType */
public class TemperaturePortTypeImpl implements TemperaturePortType {
  public TemperaturePortTypeImpl() {
  public float getTemp(java.lang.String zipcode)
    //replace with your impl here
     return 0;


Deploying and Undeploying WebLogic Web Services

Because Web Services are packaged as Enterprise Applications, deploying a Web Service simply means deploying the corresponding EAR file or exploded directory.

There are a variety of ways to deploy WebLogic applications, from using the Administration Console to using the weblogic.Deployer Java utility. There are also various issues you must consider when deploying an application to a production environment as opposed to a development environment. For a complete discussion about deployment, see Deploying WebLogic Server Applications.

This guide, because of its development nature, discusses just two ways of deploying Web Services:

Using the wldeploy Ant Task to Deploy Web Services

The easiest way to quickly deploy a Web Service as part of the iterative development process is to add a target that executes the wldeploy WebLogic Ant task to your build.xml file that contains the jwsc Ant task. You can add tasks to both deploy and undeploy the Web Service so that as you add more Java code and regenerate the service, you can redeploy and test it iteratively.

To use the wldeploy Ant task, add the following target to your build.xml file:

<target name="deploy">
    <wldeploy action="deploy"
source="Source" user="AdminUser"


For example, the following wldeploy task specifies that the Enterprise Application exploded directory, located in the output/ComplexServiceEar directory relative to the current directory, be deployed to the myServer WebLogic Server instance. Its deployed name is ComplexServiceEar.

  <target name="deploy">
    <wldeploy action="deploy"
source="output/ComplexServiceEar" user="weblogic"
password="weblogic" verbose="true"

To actually deploy the Web Service, execute the deploy target at the command-line:

  prompt> ant deploy

You can also add a target to easily undeploy the Web Service so that you can make changes to its source code, then redeploy it:

  <target name="undeploy">
    <wldeploy action="undeploy"
password="weblogic" verbose="true"

When undeploying a Web Service, you do not specify the source attribute, but rather undeploy it by its name.

Using the Administration Console to Deploy Web Services

To use the Administration Console to deploy the Web Service, first invoke it in your browser using the following URL:



Then use the deployment assistants to help you deploy the Enterprise application. For more information on the Administration Console, see the Online Help.


Browsing to the WSDL of the Web Service

You can display the WSDL of the Web Service in your browser to ensure that it has deployed correctly.

The following URL shows how to display the Web Service WSDL in your browser:



For example, assume you used the following @WLHttpTransport annotation in the JWS file that implements your Web Service

* This JWS file forms the basis of a WebLogic Web Service.
public class ComplexServiceImpl {

The URL to view the WSDL of the Web Service, assuming the service is running on a host called ariel at the default port number (7001), is:



Testing the Web Service

The WebLogic Web Services test client allows for convenient testing of WebLogic Web Services through a Web user interface without writing code. You can quickly and easily test any Web Service, including those with complex types and those using advanced features of WebLogic Server such as converations. The test client automatically maintains a full log of requests allowing you to return to previous call to to view the results. The test client is packaged as a J2EE application in an EAR archive.

To use the WebLogic Web Services test client to test your Web Services, you must first download a ZIP file from the BEA dev2dev Web site and install the EAR file on your WebLogic Server. After you have started the test client Enterprise application (called wlstestclient by default), you can invoke it by typing the following URL in your browser:


Enter the WSDL of the Web Service you want to test in the text field, then click Go. A list of the operations of the Web Service is displayed, along with text fields where you can enter relevant test data.

See the instructions on the dev2dev site for additional detailed information about downloading, installing, and using the test client.


Integrating Web Services Into the WebLogic Split Development Directory Environment

This section describes how to integrate Web Services development into the WebLogic split development directory environment. It is assumed that you understand this WebLogic feature and have already set up this type of environment for developing standard J2EE applications and modules, such as EJBs and Web applications, and you want to update the single build.xml file to include Web Services development.

For detailed information about the WebLogic split development directory environment, see Creating a Split Development Directory for an Application and the splitdir/helloWorldEar example installed with WebLogic Server, located in the BEA_HOME/weblogic90/samples/server/examples/src/examples directory, where BEA_HOME refers to the main installation directory for BEA products, such as c:/bea.

  1. In the main project directory, create a directory that will contain the JWS file that implements your Web Service.
  2. For example, if your main project directory is called /src/helloWorldEar, then create a directory called /src/helloWorldEar/helloWebService:

    prompt> mkdir /src/helloWorldEar/helloWebService
  3. Create a directory hierarchy under the helloWebService directory that corresponds to the package name of your JWS file.
  4. For example, if your JWS file is in the package examples.splitdir.hello package, then create a directory hierarchy examples/splitdir/hello:

    prompt> cd /src/helloWorldEar/helloWebService
    prompt> mkdir examples/splitdir/hello
  5. Put your JWS file in the just-created Web Service subdirectory of your main project directory (/src/helloWorldEar/helloWebService/examples/splitdir/hello in this example.)
  6. In the build.xml file that builds the Enterprise application, create a new target to build the Web Service, adding a call to the jwsc WebLogic Web Service Ant task, as described in Running the jwsc WebLogic Web Services Ant Task.
  7. The jwsc srcdir attribute should point to the top-level directory that contains the JWS file (helloWebService in this example). The jwsc destdir attribute should point to the same destination directory you specify for wlcompile, as shown in the following example:

      <target name="build.helloWebService">
    keepGenerated="yes" >
            <jws file="examples/splitdir/hello/" />

    In the example, destination_dir refers to the destination directory that the other split development directory environment Ant tasks, such as wlappc and wlcompile, also use.

  8. Update the main build target of the build.xml file to call the Web Service-related targets:
  9.   <!-- Builds the entire helloWorldEar application -->
      <target name="build"
    description="Compiles helloWorldEar application and runs appc"
    depends="build-helloWebService,compile,appc" />

    Warning: When you actually build your Enterprise Application, be sure you run the jwsc Ant task before you run the wlappc Ant task. This is because wlappc requires some of the artifacts generated by jwsc for it to execute successfully. In the example, this means that you should specify the build-helloWebService target before the appc target.

  10. If you use the wlcompile and wlappc Ant tasks to compile and validate the entire Enterprise Application, be sure to exclude the Web Service source directory for both Ant tasks. This is because the jwsc Ant task already took care of compiling and packaging the Web Service. For example:
  11. <target name="compile">
       <wlcompile srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${dest.dir}"
    <target name="appc">
       <wlappc source="${dest.dir}" deprecation="yes" debug="false"
  12. Update the application.xml file in the META-INF project source directory, adding a <web> module and specifying the name of the WAR file generated by the jwsc Ant task.
  13. For example, add the following to the application.xml file for the helloWorld Web Service:


Caution: Although the jwsc Ant task typically generates a Web Application WAR file from the JWS file that implements your Web Service, the task sometimes generates an EJB JAR file, depending on the JWS annotations specified in the JWS file. In that case you must add an <ejb> module element to the application.xml file instead. For more information about when the jwsc Ant task generates an EJB JAR file, see jwsc.

Your split development directory environment is now updated to include Web Service development. When you rebuild and deploy the entire Enterprise Application, the Web Service will also be deployed as part of the EAR. You invoke the Web Service in the standard way described in Browsing to the WSDL of the Web Service.


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