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Clusters: Configuration: Multicast

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This page allows you to define the multicast settings for this cluster. IP multicast is a simple broadcast technology that enables multiple applications to subscribe to a given IP address and port number and listen for messages. A multicast address is an IP address in the range from to

Configuration Options

Name Description
Multicast Address

The multicast address used by cluster members to communicate with each other.

The valid range is from from to The default value used by WebLogic Server is You should avoid using multicast addresses in the range x.0.0.1

This address should be unique to this cluster and should not be shared by other applications.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Multicast Port

The multicast port (between 1 and 65535) used by cluster members to communicate with each other.

Defines the multicast port used by cluster members to communicate with each other.

MBean Attribute:

Minimum value: 1

Maximum value: 65535

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Multicast Send Delay

The amount of time (between 0 and 100 milliseconds) to delay sending message fragments over multicast in order to avoid OS-level buffer overflow.

Defines the number of milliseconds to delay sending message fragments over multicast in order to avoid OS-level buffer overflow.

MBean Attribute:

Minimum value: 0

Maximum value: 250

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Multicast TTL

The number of network hops (between 1 and 255) that a cluster multicast message is allowed to travel.

Defines the number of network hops that a cluster multicast message is allowed to travel. 1 restricts the cluster to one subnet.

MBean Attribute:

Minimum value: 1

Maximum value: 255

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Multicast Buffer Size

The multicast socket send/receive buffer size (at least 64 kilobytes).

Returns the multicast socket send/receive buffer size.

MBean Attribute:

Minimum value: 64

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Idle Periods Until Timeout

Maximum number of periods that a cluster member will wait before timing out a member of a cluster.

Maximum number of periods that a cluster member will wait before timing out a member of a cluster.

MBean Attribute:

Minimum value: 3

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Enable Multicast Data Encryption

Enables multicast data to be incrypted. Only the multicast data is encrypted. Multicast header information is not encrypted.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

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