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Configuring a WS-Policy File for the Inbound (Request) Operation

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Use this page to configure the WS-Policy file for an the inbound (request) SOAP message resulting from the invoke of the operation.

The Available Inbound Message Policies window lists the WS-Policy files that are available; use the arrows to move a file to the Chosen Inbound Message Policies table, then click next to configure the outbound (response).

A Web Service can have zero or more WS-Policy files assoicated with it. WS-Policy files follow the guidelines of the WS-Policy specification. WebLogic Server uses them to specify the details of the message-level security (digital signatures and encryption) and reliable SOAP messaging capabilities of a Web Service.

The WS-Policy file can be specified at the Web Service endpoint-level, which means that the policy assertions apply to the entire Web Serivce, or a WS-Policy file can be specified at the operation-level, which means that the policy assertions apply only to the specific operation. This asstant helps you configure a WS-Policy file with the Web Service operation.

In addition, a WS-Policy file can be associated with either the inbound or outbound SOAP message, or both. For example, if a WS-Policy file that specifies that the body of a SOAP message should be encrypted is associated with just the inbound message of a particular operation, only the SOAP request needs to be encrypted.

Programmers, when programming the Web Service, use the Java Web Service (JWS) annotation @Policy inside the implementation of the Web Service to specify an associated WS-Policy file; administrators cannot override this association using the Administration Console. Administrators can, however, associate additional WS-Policy files using assistants such as this one.

WebLogic Server includes the following pre-packaged WS-Policy files that you can use for configuring message-level security and reliable messaging:

After you have associated a WS-Policy file to a Web Service endpoint or operation, the assistant updates the application's deployment plan. If the application does not currently have a configured deployment plan, the assistant creates one for you in the location you specify.

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