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Uniform distributed queues - configure advanced parameters

After you create a distributed queue, you can define advanced property values, such as specifying unit-of-order parameters and attaching the credentials of message senders.

To configure advanced values for a distributed queue:

  1. If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit (see Use the Change Center).
  2. In the Administration Console, navigate to the uniform distributed queue resource that you want to configure:
  3. On the Configuration: General page, click the Advanced button.
    1. In Unit-of-Order, specify whether you want the system to create a system-generated unit- of-order name that is statistically unique for this distributed queue. Any message landing on this distributed queue that does not already belong to a unit-of-order is automatically assigned with this default unit-of-order name.
    2. If you are using the Unit-of-Order feature, in Unit-of-Order Routing, specify how the distributed queue members are selected as the destination for a message. If set to Hash, the producer computes the queue member. If set to Path Service, the configured Path Service determines the queue member.
    3. In Attach Sender, specify whether messages landing on this distributed destination should attach the credential of the sending user by selecting either: Supports, which sets the JMSXUserID property with the security principal of the sending user if requested; Never, which never sets the JMSXUserID property with the security principal of the sending user; Always, which always sets the JMSXUserID property with the security principal of the sending user.
    4. In SAF Export Policy, specify whether a user can send messages to this distributed queue using the Store-and-Forward service.
    5. In Messaging Performance Preference, specify how you want the distributed queue to perform in regards to emphasizing message latency or message throughput.

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

  4. Save your changes:
  5. To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Activate Changes.
    Not all changes take effect immediately—some require a restart (see Use the Change Center).


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