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Deploying Applications to WebLogic Server

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Preparing Applications
and Modules for Deployment

The following sections provide a basic overview of key WebLogic Server deployment topics:


Overview of Preparing Applications and Modules

WebLogic Server supports deployment of standard J2EE modules and applications, as well as JDBC and JMS resource modules, as described in Supported Deployment Units. When preparing supported applications and modules for deployment, an Administrator has several options with regard to how the deployment files are arranged:


Deployment Archive Files Versus Exploded Archive Directories

WebLogic Server supports deployments that are packaged either as archive files using the jar utility or Ant's jar tool, or as exploded archive directories.

Note: In general, using archived files is more efficient when deploying applications to managed servers. However, it makes updating the application, such as updating web content, more difficult as it requires a redeployment of the application.

Archive Files

An archive file is a single file that contains all of an application's or module's classes, static files, directories, and deployment descriptor files. In most production environments, the applications an Administrator receives for deployment are stored as archive files.

Deployment units that are packaged using the jar utility have a specific file extension depending on the type:

In addition to an archive file, you may also receive a deployment plan, which is a separate file that configures the application for a specific environment. Configuring Applications for Production Deployment describes deployment plans in more detail.

Exploded Archive Directories

An exploded archive directory contains the same files and directories as a JAR archive. However, the files and directories reside directly in your file system and are not packaged into a single archive file with the jar utility.

You may choose to deploy from an exploded archive directory under the following circumstances:

Creating an Exploded Archive Directory from an Archive File

If you have an archive file that you want to deploy as an exploded archive directory, use the jar utility to unpack the archive file in a dedicated directory. For example:

mkdir /myapp
cd /myapp
jar xvf /dist/myapp.ear

If you are unpacking an archive file that contains other module archive files (for example, an Enterprise Application or Web Service that includes JAR or WAR files) and you want to perform partial updates of those modules, you must expand the embedded archive files as well. Make sure that you unpack each module into a subdirectory having the same name as the archive file. For example, unpack a module named myejb.jar into a /myejb.jar subdirectory of the exploded Enterprise Application directory.

Note: If you want to use different subdirectory names for the archived modules in an exploded EAR file, you must modify any references to those modules in the application itself. For example, you must update the URI values specified in application.xml and CLASSPATH entries in the file.


Understanding Default Deployment Names

When you first deploy an application or stand-alone module to one or more WebLogic Server instances, you specify a deployment name to describe collectively the deployment files, target servers, and other configuration options you selected. You can later redeploy or stop the deployment unit on all target servers by simply using the deployment name. The deployment name saves you the trouble of re-identifying the deployment files and target servers when you want to work with the deployment unit across servers in a domain.

If you do not specify a deployment name at deployment time, the deployment tool selects a default name based on the deployment source file(s). For archive files, weblogic.Deployer uses the name of the archive file without the file extension. For example, the file myear.ear has a default deployment name of myear. For an exploded archive directory, weblogic.Deployer uses the name of the top-level directory you deploy.

For J2EE libraries and optional packages, weblogic.Deployer uses the name specified in the library's manifest file. If no name was specified in the library's manifest file, you can specify one with the -name option.

See the following section, Understanding Application Naming Requirements for information on application naming requirements; See Deploying Applications and Modules to specify a non-default deployment name.


Understanding Application Naming Requirements

In order to successfully deploy an application to WebLogic Server, the application name must be valid. Application naming requirements are as follows:


Understanding Deployment Version Strings

In addition to a deployment name, an application or module can also have an associated version string. The version string distinguishes the initial deployment of the application from subsequent redeployed versions. For example, you may want to later update the application to fix problems or add new features. In production systems, it is critical to maintain a version string for both the initial and subsequent deployments of an application. Doing so allows you to update and redeploy an application version without interrupting service to existing clients. See Updating Applications in a Production Environment for more information.

The version string is specified in the manifest file for the application, and should be provided by your development team along with the other deployment files. Assigning Application Versions in Developing WebLogic Server Applications describes the conventions for specifying the version string.


Creating an Application Installation Directory

The application installation directory separates generated configuration files from the core application files, so that configuration files can be easily changed or replaced without disturbing the application itself. The directory structure also helps you to organize and maintain multiple versions of the same application deployment files.

The following figure shows the directory hierarchy for storing a single version of a deployable application or module.

Figure 3-1 Application Installation Directory

Application Installation Directory


BEA recommends copying all new production deployments into an application installation directory before deploying to a WebLogic Server domain. Deploying from this directory structure helps you easily identify all of the files associated with a deployment unit—you simply deploy the installation root using the Administration Console, and the Console automatically locates associated files such as deployment plans and WebLogic Server deployment descriptors that were generated during configuration.

Steps for Creating an Application Installation Directory

To create an application installation directory:

  1. Choose a top-level directory where you want to store deployment files for applications and modules on your system. Follow these best practices:
  2. The instructions that follow use the sample deployment directory, c:\deployments\production.

  3. Create a dedicated subdirectory for the application or module you want to deploy:
  4. mkdir c:\deployments\production\myApplication
  5. Create a subdirectory beneath the application directory to designate the version of the application you are deploying. Name the subdirectory using the exact version string of the application. For example:
  6. mkdir c:\deployments\production\myApplication\91Beta
  7. The version subdirectory will become the installation root directory from which you deploy the directory. Create subdirectories named app and plan under the version subdirectory:
  8. mkdir c:\deployments\production\myApplication\91Beta\app
    mkdir c:\deployments\production\myApplication\91Beta\plan

    Note: If you have more than one deployment plan associated with the application, create one \plan subdirectory for each plan. For example, if you have two deployment plans associated with the 91Beta version of the application myApplication, you would create two \plan subdirectories. For instance:

    mkdir c:\deployments\production\myApplication\91Beta\plan1
    mkdir c:\deployments\production\myApplication\91Beta\plan2
  9. Copy your application source deployment files into the \app subdirectory. If you are deploying from an archive file, simply copy the archive file, as in:
  10. cp c:\downloads\myApplication.ear c:\deployments\production\myApplication\91Beta\app

    If you are deploying from an exploded archive directory, copy the complete exploded archive directory into \app:

    cp -r c:\downloads\myApplication c:\deployments\production\myApplication\91Beta\app

    This results in the new directory, c:\deployments\production\myApplication\91Beta\app\myApplication.

  11. If you have one or more deployment plans for the application, copy them into the \plan subdirectories.
  12. If you have one deployment plan for the application:

    cp c:\downloads\myApplicationPlans\plan.xml c:\deployments\production\myApplication\91Beta\plan

    If you have two deployment plans for the application:

    cp c:\downloads\myApplicationPlans\plan1.xml c:\deployments\production\myApplication\91Beta\plan1
    cp c:\downloads\myApplicationPlans\plan2.xml c:\deployments\production\myApplication\91Beta\plan2

    Note: If you do not have an existing deployment plan, you can create one using the Administration Console as described in Configuring Applications for Production Deployment. The Administration Console automatically stores newly-generated deployment plans in the \plan subdirectory of the application installation directory.

  13. To install the application into a WebLogic Server domain using Administration Console, select the application installation directory. By default, the Administration Console will use a plan named plan.xml, if one is available in the \plan subdirectory. The Administration Console does not identify plans in subdirectories other than the \plan subdirectory; in other words, plans in \plan1 or \plan2 subdirectories are not identified by the Administration Console. Therefore, if multiple plans for your application are available, you must indicate, in config.xml, the plan you would like to use. See Configuring Applications for Production Deployment. For information on config.xml, see Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.
  14. After installing the application, you can configure, deploy, or distribute the application as necessary.

    Note: You cannot specify an application installation directory when using the weblogic.Deployer tool, and the tool does not use an available plan.xml file by default. You must specify the actual deployment file(s) and plan to use for deployment. See Deploying Applications and Modules.


Best Practices for Preparing Deployment Files

BEA recommends the following best practices when preparing applications and modules for deployment:


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