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Understanding Domain Configuration

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Domain Configuration Files

This section describes how a domain is represented in the file system. It includes the following sections:


Overview of Domain Configuration Files

WebLogic Server management and configuration services are accessed with the Java Management Extensions (JMX) API. The configuration of a domain is stored in XML files in the configuration directories under the domain directory. The files in these configuration directories act as a persistent store for the managed objects that WebLogic Server creates and modifies during its executing using the JMX API. The purpose of the configuration files is to store changes to managed configuration objects so that they are available when WebLogic Server is restarted.

The central configuration file for the domain is DOMAIN_NAME/config/config.xml file. It specifies the name of the domain and the configuration parameter settings for each server instance, cluster, resource, and service in the domain. The configuration for some major subsystems of the domain is stored in subdirectories of the DOMAIN_NAME/config directory in separate configuration files that are incorporated by reference into the central config.xml file.

The domain directory also contains default script files, such as startWebLogic.cmd and, that you can use to start the domain's Administration Server and Managed Servers. For details about these configuration files and script files, see Domain Directory Contents.



The central configuration file for the domain is the /domains/DOMAIN_NAME/config/config.xml file. It specifies the name of the domain and the configuration parameter settings for each server instance, cluster, resource, and service in the domain.

The namespace for config.xml is and the XML schemas (there are two—one for the main config.xml and one for the security subsection) are located at:

These schemas are also located in a JAR file in the file system at BEA_HOME/weblogic90/server/lib/schema/weblogic-domain-binding.jar; the schema's pathname within the JAR file is META-INF/schemas/schema-0.xsd. The XML Schema enables the use of XML editing tools to modify and validate the config.xml file.

For a reference guide to the domain configuration XML Schema, see the WebLogic Server Domain Configuration Schema Reference.

Editing Configuration Files

In most circumstances, you should not directly modify the config.xml file or the other configuration files. Instead, use the Administration Console or one of the other tools described in Summary of System Administration Tools and APIs in Overview of WebLogic Server System Administration to modify the domain's configuration. The configuration changes will then be reflected in the configuration files.

Directly modifying configuration files may be appropriate if you choose to place configuration files and other components of your installation under source control, managing them using WLST.

Warning: You cannot edit configuration files while WebLogic Server is executing, since WebLogic Server rewrites the files periodically. Your changes will be lost and, depending on your platform, you could cause WebLogic Server failures.

Since the WebLogic Server configuration files are well-formed XML files, it is possible to modify them using XSLT or to script certain repetitive changes using an XML parser application such as Apache Xerces, or JDOM. Be sure to test any scripts you create thoroughly and always make a backup copy of each configuration file before you make any changes to it.

Security Credentials in Configuration Files

Security credentials for domain security and the embedded LDAP server are stored in the config.xml file in encrypted form. If you create your config.xml file by hand, you need to locate these credentials, encrypt them, and copy the encrypted credential into your config.xml file.

For information about WebLogic Server's encryption utility, see encrypt in the WebLogic Server Command Reference. Once you have encrypted the credentials, include the encrypted values in your config.xml file in elements as in Listing 3-1:

Listing 3-1 Configuring Encrypted Credentials


Subsidiary Configuration Files

Prior to WebLogic Server 9.0, the config.xml file was a repository for all configuration information. Now several WebLogic Server subsystems are configured in subsidiary configuration files that are referred to by the central config.xml file. These subsidiary configuration files reside in subdirectories of the /domains/DOMAIN_NAME/config directory. For more information about these subsidiary configuration files, see Domain Directory Overview and Domain Directory Contents.

Configuration File Archiving

You can configure WebLogic Server to make backup copies of the configuration files. This facilitates recovery in cases where configuration changes need to be reversed or the unlikely case that configuration files become corrupted. When the Administration Server starts up, it saves a JAR file named config-booted.jar that contains the configuration files. When you make changes to the configuration files, the old files are saved in the configArchive directory under the domain directory, in a JAR file with a sequentially-numbered name like config-1.jar.

Whether to back up configuration files is specified by the DomainMBean.ConfigBackupEnabled attribute, whose default value is false. The number of configuration archive files retained is specified by the DomainMBean.ArchiveConfigurationCount attribute, whose default value is 0.


Domain Directory Overview

WebLogic Server installs the domain directory by default within the BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains directory. Figure 3-1 is an overview of the domain directory tree hierarchy within the domains directory. The domain-name, deployment-name, and server-name directory names are not literal, but are replaced in any actual case with whatever specific names are appropriate; the other directory names are literal. This overview shows only directories, not files within the directories. In any actual particular domain directory tree, this whole hierarchy might not be present.

Figure 3-1 Domain Directory Structure

Domain Directory Structure




Domain Directory Contents

This section describes the contents of the domain directory and its subfolders. Note that the domain-name, server-name, and deployment-name directory names are not literal, but are replaced with whatever specific names is appropriate; other directory names are literal.


The name of this directory is the name of the domain.


This directory provides a quick way to deploy applications in a development server. When the WebLogic Server instance is running in development mode, it automatically deploys any applications or modules that you place in this directory.

The files you place in this directory can be J2EE applications, such as:


This directory contains scripts that are used in the process of starting and stopping the Administration Server and the Managed Servers in the domain. These scripts are generally provided as .sh files for UNIX and .cmd files for Windows. The bin directory can optionally contain other scripts of domain-wide interest, such as scripts to start and stop database management systems, full-text search engine processes, etc. For more information, see Managing Server Startup and Shutdown.


This directory contains the current configuration and deployment state of the domain. The central domain configuration file, config.xml, resides in this directory.


This directory contains system modules for instrumentation in the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework. For more information, see Configuring and Using the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework.


This directory contains system modules for JDBC: global JDBC modules that can be configured directly from JMX (as opposed to JSR-88). For more information, see Database Connectivity (JDBC).


This directory contains system modules for JMS: global JMS modules that can be configured directly from JMX (as opposed to JSR-88). For more information, see Messaging (JMS).


This directory holds configuration information for connection to the Node Manager. For more information, see Using Node Manager to Control Servers in Managing Server Startup and Shutdown.


This directory contains system modules for the security framework. It contains one security provider configuration extension for each kind of security provider in the domain's current realm. For more information, see Understanding WebLogic Security.


This directory contains system modules that contain startup plans. Startup plans are used to generate shell scripts that can be used as part of server startup.


This directory contains a set of JAR files that save the domain's configuration state. Just before pending changes to the configuration are activated, the domain's existing configuration state, consisting of the config.xml file and the other related configuration files, is saved in a versioned JAR file with a name like config.jar#1, config.jar#2, etc.

The maximum number of versioned JAR files to be kept is specified by the archiveConfigurationCount attribute of DomainMBean. Once this maximum number is reached, the oldest conversion archive is deleted before a new one is created.


This directory contains files used for WebLogic domain provisioning. You should not modify any files in this directory.


Any JAR files you put in this directory are added to the system classpath of each server instance in the domain when the server's Java virtual machine starts.


This directory contains domain configuration files representing configuration changes that have been requested, but not yet activated. Once the configuration changes have been activated, the configuration files are deleted from this directory. For more information, see Managing Configuration Changes.


This directory holds those security-related files that are the same for every WebLogic Server instance in the domain:

This directory also holds security-related files that are only needed by the domain's Administration Server:

For more information, see Understanding WebLogic Security.


This directory contains one subdirectory for each WebLogic Server instance in the domain. For more information, see A Server's Root Directory.


This directory is the server directory for the WebLogic Server instance with the same name as the directory.


This directory holds executable or shell files that can be or must be different for each server. The server environment script ( or setServerEnv.cmd) is an example of a file that resides here because it can differ from one WebLogic Server instance to the next, for example, depending on whether the server instance has its own startup plan.


This directory holds directories and files that contain cached data. By "cached" here we mean that the data is a copy, possibly in a processed form (compiled, translated, or reformatted), of other data.


This directory is a cache for compiled EJBs.


This directory holds files that maintain persistent per-server state used to run the WebLogic Server instance, other than security state, as opposed to temporary, cached or historical information. Files in this directory are important data that must be retained as the WebLogic Server instance is brought up, is brought down, crashes, restarts, or is upgraded to a new version.


This directory holds the embedded LDAP database. The runtime security state for the WebLogic Server instance is persisted in this directory.


This directory holds WebLogic persistent stores. For each persistent store, there is a subdirectory that holds the files that represent the persistent store. The name of the subdirectory is the name of the persistent store. By convention there is one store named default.


This directory holds logs and diagnostic information. This information is historical in nature. It is not crucial to the operation of the server, and can be deleted (while the WebLogic Server instance is down, at least) without affecting proper operation. However, the information can be quite useful for debugging or auditing purposes and should not be deleted without good reason.


This directory holds information created by the Server Image Capture component of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework. For more information, see Configuring and Using the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework.


This directory contains one subdirectory for each JMS server in the WebLogic Server instance. Each such subdirectory contains the logs for that JMS server. The name of the subdirectory is the name of the JMS server.


This directory is the default base directory for connector module (JCA ResourceAdapter) logs.


This directory holds security-related files that can be or must be different for each WebLogic Server instance. The file is an example of a file that resides here because it can differ from one server to the next. This directory also maintains files related to SSL keys.


This directory holds temporary directories and files that are created while a server instance is running. For example, a JMS paging directory is automatically created here unless another location is specified. Files in this directory must be left alone while the server is running, but may be freely deleted when the server instance is shut down.


This directory stores temporary files used in the change management process. You should not modify any files in this directory.


By default, configuration information is automatically copied from the Administration Server to each Managed Server. If instead you prefer to stage configuration changes manually, you can use this directory as an alternative to the config directory.


A Server's Root Directory

All instances of WebLogic Server use a server root directory to store runtime data and to provide the context for any relative pathnames in the server's configuration. You can specify the path and name of the server root directory for each server instance. You can specify a common server root directory for multiple server instances hosted on a single computer or you can specify a different server root directory for each server. A domain may have one or more server root directories.

Specifying a Server Root Directory

You can specify the path for the server root directory by one of the following means:

If you do not use one of the above means to specify a server root directory, the path and name of the server root directory depend on whether a server instance is a Managed Server or the Administration Server and whether or not you use Node Manager to start the server instance. These variations are discussed in the next sections.

Server Root Directory for an Administration Server

An Administration Server uses its server root directory as a repository for the domain's configuration data (such as config.xml) and security resources (such as the default, embedded LDAP server).

To determine the root directory for an Administration Server, WebLogic Server does the following:

If WebLogic Server cannot find a config.xml file, then it offers to create one. You can use this method to create a new domain. For more information, see Using the weblogic.Server Command Line to Create a Domain in the WebLogic Server Command Reference.

Server Root Directory for a Managed Server Started with Node Manager

If you use the Node Manager to start a Managed Server, the root directory is located on the computer that hosts the Node Manager process. To determine the location of the server's root directory, WebLogic Server does the following:

The server root directory for a Managed Server started with Node Manager directory contains a subdirectory for each Managed Server instance. The name of the subdirectory is the name of the server as defined in the domain configuration.

Server Root Directory for a Managed Server Not Started with Node Manager

If you do not use the Node Manager to start a Managed Server (and therefore use the java weblogic.Server command or a script that calls that command), WebLogic Server does the following to determine the root directory:

To make it easier to maintain your domain configurations and applications across upgrades of WebLogic Server software, it is recommended that the server root directory not be the same as the installation directory for the WebLogic Server software.


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