BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.1 API Reference

Interface ClientSAF

public interface ClientSAF

This allows client code to start and stop the client Store & Forward feature

See Also:
Copyright © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Method Summary
 void close()
          This method stops the client Store and Forward system.
 Context getContext()
          This is a helper method that clients can use to get the naming context to use when looking up objects defined in the configuration file.
 boolean isOpen()
          Returns true if the client SAF system is currently started
 void open(char[] password)
          This starts the client Store and Forward system associated with this configuration

Method Detail


public void close()
This method stops the client Store and Forward system. This method is idempotent. Once this object has been stopped, it cannot be started


public Context getContext()
                   throws JMSException
This is a helper method that clients can use to get the naming context to use when looking up objects defined in the configuration file.

This naming context can also be gotten by using javax.naming.InitialContext. In the hashtable provided to the constructor, the user must provide:

A naming context that clients can use to look up objects defined in the configuration file
JMSException - If the context could not be created or the store and forward system is not currently started


public boolean isOpen()
Returns true if the client SAF system is currently started

true if the client SAF system is currently started


public void open(char[] password)
          throws JMSException
This starts the client Store and Forward system associated with this configuration

password - The password to use as the key to decrypt the passwords encrypted in the configuration
JMSException - If there was an error starting the Client SAF subsystem. Will also throw if the Client SAF system has already been started.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.