BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.1 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use NotFoundException Provides interfaces and classes for the configuration, control and monitoring of Authentication security providers in a WebLogic security realm. Provides interfaces and classes for the configuration, control and monitoring of Authorization, Adjudication, and Role Mapping security providers in a WebLogic security realm. Provides interfaces and classes for the configuration, control and monitoring of Credential Mapping security providers in a WebLogic security realm.   

Uses of NotFoundException in

Methods in that throw NotFoundException
 void UserRemoverMBean.removeUser(String userName)
          Removes a user.
 String UserReaderMBean.getUserDescription(String userName)
          Gets a user's description.
 void UserPasswordEditorMBean.changeUserPassword(String userName, String oldPassword, String newPassword)
          Used by a user to change his or her password.
 void UserPasswordEditorMBean.resetUserPassword(String userName, String newPassword)
          Used by an administrator to change a user's password.
 void UserEditorMBean.setUserDescription(String userName, String description)
          Sets the description for an existing user.
 String MemberGroupListerMBean.listMemberGroups(String memberUserOrGroupName)
          Lists the groups that directly contain a user or a group.
 void GroupRemoverMBean.removeGroup(String groupName)
          Removes a group.
 String GroupReaderMBean.getGroupDescription(String groupName)
          Gets a group's description.
 boolean GroupReaderMBean.isMember(String parentGroupName, String memberUserOrGroupName, boolean recursive)
          Indicates whether a user or group is a member of the group that you specify.
 String GroupMemberListerMBean.listGroupMembers(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupNameWildcard, int maximumToReturn)
          Searches within a group for user and group (member) names that match a pattern.
 void GroupEditorMBean.setGroupDescription(String groupName, String description)
          Sets the description for an existing group.
 void GroupEditorMBean.addMemberToGroup(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupName)
          Adds a user or group (member) to a group.
 void GroupEditorMBean.removeMemberFromGroup(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupName)
          Removes a user or group (member) from a group.

Uses of NotFoundException in

Methods in that throw NotFoundException
 String RoleReaderMBean.getRoleExpression(String resourceId, String roleName)
          Returns the expression that defines the role granting policy.
 String RoleListerMBean.listAllRoles(int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain an unsorted list of role definitions.
 String RoleListerMBean.listRolesByResourceType(String resourceType, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain an list of role definitions by resource type.
 String RoleListerMBean.listRolesByApplication(String applicationName, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain an list of role definitions by application name.
 String RoleListerMBean.listRolesByComponent(String componentName, String componentType, String applicationName, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain an list of role definitions for a specific J2EE component.
 String RoleListerMBean.listRoles(String resourceId, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain a list of role definitions for a specific resource.
 String RoleListerMBean.listChildRoles(String resourceId, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain a list of role definitions for the children of a resource.
 String RoleListerMBean.listRepeatingActionsRoles(String resourceId, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain a list of role definitions for the actions that are repeating on a resource.
 void RoleEditorMBean.removeRole(String resourceId, String roleName)
          Removes a role from a resource.
 void RoleEditorMBean.setRoleExpression(String resourceId, String roleName, String expression)
          Sets the policy expression for a role.
 String RoleAuxiliaryMBean.getRoleAuxiliary(String resourceId, String roleName)
          Get auxiliary role for a resource.
 void PredicateEditorMBean.unregisterPredicate(String predicateClassName)
          Unregisters the currently registered predicate.
 String PolicyStoreMBean.listAllPolicies()
          Returns cursor listing all policies
 String PolicyStoreMBean.listAllPolicySets()
          Returns cursor listing all policy sets
 String PolicyStoreMBean.readPolicy(String identifier, String version)
          Reads specified policy from policy store
 String PolicyStoreMBean.readPolicySet(String identifier, String version)
          Reads specified policy set from policy store
 void PolicyStoreMBean.setPolicy(String policy)
          Updates policy in policy store.
 void PolicyStoreMBean.setPolicy(String policy, int status)
          Updates policy in policy store
 void PolicyStoreMBean.setPolicySet(String set)
          Updates policy set in policy store.
 void PolicyStoreMBean.setPolicySet(String set, int status)
          Updates policy set in policy store
 void PolicyStoreMBean.setPolicyStatus(String identifier, String version, int status)
          Sets status for policy identified by identifier and version
 int PolicyStoreMBean.getPolicyStatus(String identifier, String version)
          Returns status for policy identified by identifier and version
 void PolicyStoreMBean.setPolicySetStatus(String identifier, String version, int status)
          Sets status for policy set identified by identifier and version
 int PolicyStoreMBean.getPolicySetStatus(String identifier, String version)
          Returns status for policy set identified by identifier and version
 void PolicyStoreMBean.deletePolicy(String identifier, String version)
          Deletes policy with given identifier and version from policy store.
 void PolicyStoreMBean.deletePolicySet(String identifier, String version)
          Deletes policy set with given identifier and version from policy store.
 String PolicyReaderMBean.getPolicyExpression(String resourceId)
          Returns the expression of an existing policy.
 String PolicyListerMBean.listAllPolicies(int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain an unsorted list of policy definitions.
 String PolicyListerMBean.listPoliciesByResourceType(String resourceType, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain an list of policy definitions by resource type.
 String PolicyListerMBean.listPoliciesByApplication(String applicationName, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain an list of policy definitions by application name.
 String PolicyListerMBean.listPoliciesByComponent(String componentName, String componentType, String applicationName, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain an list of policy definitions for a specific J2EE component.
 String PolicyListerMBean.listChildPolicies(String resourceId, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain a list of policy definitions for the children of a resource.
 String PolicyListerMBean.listRepeatingActionsPolicies(String resourceId, int maximumToReturn)
          Obtain a list of policy definitions for the actions that are repeating on a resource.
 void PolicyEditorMBean.setPolicyExpression(String resourceId, String expression)
          Sets a policy expression for a resource.
 void PolicyEditorMBean.removePolicy(String resourceId)
          Removes a policy.

Uses of NotFoundException in

Methods in that throw NotFoundException
 String UserPasswordCredentialMapReaderMBean.getRemoteUserName(String resourceId, String wlsUserName)
          Gets the external username that is mapped to a local webLogic username for the specified resource.
 String UserPasswordCredentialMapReaderMBean.getRemotePassword(String resourceId, String remoteUserName)
 void UserPasswordCredentialMapEditorMBean.setUserPasswordCredentialMapping(String resourceId, String wlsUserName, String remoteUserName)
          Creates a mapping from a webLogic username to a remote username-password credential for the specified resource.
 void UserPasswordCredentialMapEditorMBean.removeUserPasswordCredential(String resourceId, String remoteUserName)
          Removes the credential that is created on the specified resource and remote username.
 void UserPasswordCredentialMapEditorMBean.removeUserPasswordCredentialMapping(String resourceId, String wlsUserName)
          Removes the mapping from a webLogic username to a remote username-password credential for the specified resource.
 String PKICredentialMapReaderMBean.getKeystoreAlias(String resourceId, String userName, boolean isInitiatorUserName, String credAction, String credType)
          Gets the keystore alias that is mapped to a username for a particular resource and credential action.
 String[] PKICredentialMapReaderMBean.listAllCertEntryAliases()
          Returns a list of all the public certificate aliases currently configured in the keystore.
 String[] PKICredentialMapReaderMBean.listAllKeypairEntryAliases()
          Returns a list of all the key pair aliases that currently configured in the keystore.
 Certificate PKICredentialMapReaderMBean.getCertificate(String keystoreAlias)
          For a certificate entry this method will return the certificate corresponding to the alias.
 void PKICredentialMapEditorMBean.removePKICredentialMapping(String resourceId, String principalName, boolean isInitiatorUserName, String credAction, String credType)
          Removes the mapping between the principalName, resourceid and credential action to the keystore alias.

Uses of NotFoundException in

Methods in that throw NotFoundException
 String WindowsNTAuthenticatorImpl.getUserDescription(String name)
          Get the description of the user
 boolean WindowsNTAuthenticatorImpl.isMember(String parentGroupName, String memberUserOrGroupName, boolean recursive)
          Return whether a user/group is a member of another group
 String WindowsNTAuthenticatorImpl.getGroupDescription(String name)
          Get the description of the user or group
 void SQLAuthenticatorImpl.removeUser(String userName)
          Remove a user
 void SQLAuthenticatorImpl.setUserDescription(String userName, String description)
          Set the user description
 void SQLAuthenticatorImpl.changeUserPassword(String userName, String oldPassword, String newPassword)
          Change the user password
 void SQLAuthenticatorImpl.resetUserPassword(String userName, String newPassword)
          Change the user password without the old password
 void SQLAuthenticatorImpl.removeGroup(String groupName)
          Remove a group
 void SQLAuthenticatorImpl.setGroupDescription(String groupName, String description)
          Set the group description
 void SQLAuthenticatorImpl.addMemberToGroup(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupName)
          Add member to group
 void SQLAuthenticatorImpl.removeMemberFromGroup(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupName)
          Remove member from group
 String SQLAuthenticatorImpl.listGroupMembers(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupNameWildcard, int maximumToReturn)
          List Group Members
 String ReadOnlySQLAuthenticatorImpl.getUserDescription(String name)
          Get the description of the user
 String ReadOnlySQLAuthenticatorImpl.getGroupDescription(String name)
          Get the description of the group
 String ReadOnlySQLAuthenticatorImpl.listMemberGroups(String userOrGroupName)
          Return a list with the groups a member belongs to
 boolean ReadOnlySQLAuthenticatorImpl.isMember(String parentGroupName, String memberUserOrGroupName, boolean recursive)
          Return whether a user/group is a member of another group
 String LDAPAuthenticatorImpl.getUserDescription(String name)
          Get the description of the user
 String LDAPAuthenticatorImpl.getGroupDescription(String name)
          Get the description of the user or group
 String LDAPAuthenticatorImpl.listGroupMembers(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupNameWildcard, int maximumToReturn)
          Return a list with the group members
 boolean LDAPAuthenticatorImpl.isMember(String parentGroupName, String memberUserOrGroupName, boolean recursive)
          Return whether a user/group is a member of another group
 String LDAPAuthenticatorImpl.listMemberGroups(String userOrGroupName)
          Return a list with the groups a member belongs to
 void LDAPAuthenticatorImpl.changeUserPassword(String userName, String oldPassword, String newPassword)
          Change the user password
 void LDAPAuthenticatorImpl.resetUserPassword(String userName, String newPassword)
          Change the user password without the old password
 void LDAPAtnDelegate.setDescription(String name, String description)
          Set the description of the user or group
 String LDAPAtnDelegate.getDescription(String userOrGroupName)
          Get the description of the user or group
 String LDAPAtnDelegate.listGroupMembers(String groupName, String userOrGroupNameWildcard, int maximumToReturn)
          Return a list with the group members
 boolean LDAPAtnDelegate.isMember(String parentGroupName, String memberUserOrGroupName, boolean recursive)
          Return whether a user/group is a member of another group A static group may contain users and groups.
 void LDAPAtnDelegate.addMemberToGroup(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupName)
          Add a member to a group
 void LDAPAtnDelegate.removeMemberFromGroup(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupName)
          Remove a member from a group
 void LDAPAtnDelegate.removeGroup(String groupName)
          Remove a group
 String LDAPAtnDelegate.listMemberGroups(String userOrGroupName, boolean isSearchWithUser)
          Return a list with the groups a member belongs to
 void LDAPAtnDelegate.changeUserPassword(String userName, String oldPassword, String newPassword)
          Change the user password
 void LDAPAtnDelegate.resetUserPassword(String userName, String newPassword)
          Change the user password without having old password
 void LDAPAtnDelegate.removeUser(String userName)
          Remove a user
 String LDAPAtnDelegate.getPasswordForUser( requestor, String userName)
          Get the password for a user
 void DefaultAuthenticatorImpl.setUserDescription(String name, String description)
          Set the description of the user
 void DefaultAuthenticatorImpl.setGroupDescription(String name, String description)
          Set the description of the group
 String DefaultAuthenticatorImpl.getUserDescription(String name)
          Get the description of the user
 String DefaultAuthenticatorImpl.getGroupDescription(String name)
          Get the description of the group
 String DefaultAuthenticatorImpl.listGroupMembers(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupNameWildcard, int maximumToReturn)
          Return a list with the group members
 boolean DefaultAuthenticatorImpl.isMember(String parentGroupName, String memberUserOrGroupName, boolean recursive)
          Return whether a user/group is a member of another group
 void DefaultAuthenticatorImpl.addMemberToGroup(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupName)
          Add a member to a group
 void DefaultAuthenticatorImpl.removeMemberFromGroup(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupName)
          Remove a member from a group
 void DefaultAuthenticatorImpl.removeGroup(String userOrGroupName)
          Remove a group
 String DefaultAuthenticatorImpl.listMemberGroups(String userOrGroupName)
          Return a list with the groups a member belongs to
 void DefaultAuthenticatorImpl.changeUserPassword(String userName, String oldPassword, String newPassword)
          Change the user password
 void DefaultAuthenticatorImpl.resetUserPassword(String userName, String newPassword)
          Change the user password without old password
 void DefaultAuthenticatorImpl.removeUser(String userName)
          Remove a user
 String DBMSSQLReadOnlyAuthenticatorDelegateImpl.getUserDescription(String name)
 String DBMSSQLReadOnlyAuthenticatorDelegateImpl.getGroupDescription(String groupName)
          Get the description of the group
 boolean DBMSSQLReadOnlyAuthenticatorDelegateImpl.isMember(String parentGroupName, String memberUserOrGroupName, boolean recursive)
          Return whether a user/group is a member of another group
 String DBMSSQLReadOnlyAuthenticatorDelegateImpl.listMemberGroups(String userOrGroupName)
 void DBMSSQLAuthenticatorDelegateImpl.removeUser(String userName)
          Remove a user
 void DBMSSQLAuthenticatorDelegateImpl.setUserDescription(String userName, String description)
          Set the user description
 void DBMSSQLAuthenticatorDelegateImpl.changeUserPassword(String userName, String oldPassword, String newPassword)
          Change the user password
 void DBMSSQLAuthenticatorDelegateImpl.resetUserPassword(String userName, String newPassword)
          Change the user password without the old password
 void DBMSSQLAuthenticatorDelegateImpl.removeGroup(String groupName)
          Remove a group
 void DBMSSQLAuthenticatorDelegateImpl.setGroupDescription(String groupName, String description)
          Set the group description
 void DBMSSQLAuthenticatorDelegateImpl.addMemberToGroup(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupName)
          Add member to group
 void DBMSSQLAuthenticatorDelegateImpl.removeMemberFromGroup(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupName)
          Remove member from group
 String DBMSSQLAuthenticatorDelegateImpl.listGroupMembers(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupNameWildcard, int maximumToReturn)
          List Group Members

Uses of NotFoundException in

Methods in that throw NotFoundException
 boolean SAMLIdentityAsserterV2Impl.relyingPartyExists(String partnerId)
    SAMLIdentityAsserterV2Impl.getAssertingParty(String partnerId)
 void SAMLIdentityAsserterV2Impl.updateAssertingParty( partner)
 void SAMLIdentityAsserterV2Impl.removeAssertingParty(String partnerId)
 void SAMLIdentityAsserterV2Impl.unregisterCertificate(String alias)
 X509Certificate SAMLIdentityAsserterV2Impl.getCertificate(String alias)
 void SAMLIdentityAsserterV2Impl.copyToPEM(String alias, String certificateFile)
 void SAMLIdentityAsserterV2Impl.copyToDER(String alias, String certificateFile)
 void SAMLIdentityAsserterImpl.unregisterCertificate(String alias)
 X509Certificate SAMLIdentityAsserterImpl.getCertificate(String alias)
 void SAMLIdentityAsserterImpl.copyToPEM(String alias, String certificateFile)
 void SAMLIdentityAsserterImpl.copyToDER(String alias, String certificateFile)
 boolean SAMLCredentialMapperV2Impl.relyingPartyExists(String partnerId)
    SAMLCredentialMapperV2Impl.getRelyingParty(String partnerId)
 void SAMLCredentialMapperV2Impl.updateRelyingParty( partner)
 void SAMLCredentialMapperV2Impl.removeRelyingParty(String partnerId)
 void SAMLCredentialMapperV2Impl.unregisterCertificate(String alias)
 X509Certificate SAMLCredentialMapperV2Impl.getCertificate(String alias)
 void SAMLCredentialMapperV2Impl.copyToPEM(String alias, String certificateFile)
 void SAMLCredentialMapperV2Impl.copyToDER(String alias, String certificateFile)

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