BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.1 API Reference
Interface SecurityProvider

All Known Subinterfaces:
AdjudicationProvider, AdjudicationProviderV2, AuditProvider, AuthenticationProvider, AuthenticationProviderV2, AuthorizationProvider, CertPathProvider, CredentialProvider, CredentialProviderV2, DeployableAuthorizationProvider, DeployableAuthorizationProviderV2, DeployableCredentialProvider, DeployableRoleProvider, DeployableRoleProviderV2, RoleProvider, VersionableApplicationProvider

public interface SecurityProvider

The SecurityProvider interface is required of all security providers (WebLogic and custom) because it provides basic methods for their use in the WebLogic Server environment.

Copyright © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Method Summary
 String getDescription()
          Gets a brief text description of the security provider.
 void initialize(ProviderMBean providerMBean, SecurityServices securityServices)
          Initializes the security provider.
 void shutdown()
          Shuts down the security provider.

Method Detail


public String getDescription()
Gets a brief text description of the security provider. For example, "Weblogic Authentication provider, version 1.0".

a String describing this security provider.


public void initialize(ProviderMBean providerMBean,
                       SecurityServices securityServices)
Initializes the security provider.

providerMBean - the MBean specific to the security provider that is used during initialization.

securityServices - an object from which a security provider can get the AuditorService, which limits the security provider to using the Auditor object's writeEvent method.

SecurityException - if the caller lacks appropriate permission for the operation.


public void shutdown()
Shuts down the security provider.

SecurityException - if the caller lacks appropriate permission for the operation.

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Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.