BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.1 API Reference
Interface WLSGroup

All Superinterfaces:
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public interface WLSGroup
extends Principal

The WLSGroup interface is a marker interface used to signify that a principal represents a WebLogic Server group. Therefore, any principal that is going to represent a WebLogic Server group should implement this interface.

If you want to get all the groups a user belongs to, you should get all principals of this type. Alternatively, the best way to find out if a user is in a group is to use the SubjectUtils.isUserInGroup method.

See Also:
WLSUser, SubjectUtils.isUserInGroup(,java.lang.String)
Copyright © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Methods inherited from interface
equals, getName, hashCode, toString

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.