BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.1 API Reference

Uses of Interface

Packages that use WorkContext

Uses of WorkContext in weblogic.workarea

Subinterfaces of WorkContext in weblogic.workarea
 interface PrimitiveWorkContext
          PrimitiveWorkContext is a marker interface used for marshaling and unmarshaling primitive user data in a WorkArea.

Classes in weblogic.workarea that implement WorkContext
 class AsciiWorkContext
          An implementation for propagating simple 8-bit ASCII string-based WorkContexts.
 class LongWorkContext
          An implementation for propagating simple long-based WorkContexts.
 class SerializableWorkContext
          An implementation for propagating Serializable WorkContexts.
 class StringWorkContext
          An implementation for propagating simple string-based WorkContexts.

Methods in weblogic.workarea that return WorkContext
 WorkContext WorkContextMap.put(String key, WorkContext ctx)
          Adds context data with key key to the current WorkContextMap and associates it with the current thread.
 WorkContext WorkContextMap.put(String key, WorkContext ctx, int propagationMode)
          Adds context data with key key to the current WorkContextMap and associates it with the current thread.
 WorkContext WorkContextMap.get(String key)
          Get the current WorkContextMap's context data for key.
 WorkContext WorkContextMap.remove(String key)
          Remove the context data for key from the current WorkContextMap.
 WorkContext WorkContextInput.readContext()
          Reads a WorkContext from the underlying stream.
 WorkContext UserWorkArea.getProperty(String key)
          Get the current WorkArea's value for key.
static WorkContext PrimitiveContextFactory.create(String ctx)
          Creates a new WorkContext containing Unicode String context data.
static WorkContext PrimitiveContextFactory.create(long ctx)
          Creates a new WorkContext containing 64-bit long context data.
static WorkContext PrimitiveContextFactory.createASCII(String ctx)
          Creates a new WorkContext containing 8-bit ASCII context data.
static WorkContext PrimitiveContextFactory.create(Serializable ctx)
          Creates a new WorkContext containing opaque Serializable context data.

Methods in weblogic.workarea with parameters of type WorkContext
 void WorkContextOutput.writeContext(WorkContext ctx)
          Writes the implementation of WorkContext to the underlying data stream.
 WorkContext WorkContextMap.put(String key, WorkContext ctx)
          Adds context data with key key to the current WorkContextMap and associates it with the current thread.
 WorkContext WorkContextMap.put(String key, WorkContext ctx, int propagationMode)
          Adds context data with key key to the current WorkContextMap and associates it with the current thread.
 void UserWorkArea.setProperty(String key, WorkContext ctx)
          Adds context data to the current WorkArea.
 void UserWorkArea.setProperty(String key, WorkContext ctx, int propertyModeType)
          Adds context data to the current WorkArea.

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