BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.1 API Reference

Uses of Interface

Packages that use CallDescriptor   

Uses of CallDescriptor in

Methods in that return CallDescriptor
 CallDescriptor TuxedoConnection.tpacall(String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          This calls the other tpacall with null as the reply object
 CallDescriptor TuxedoConnection.tpacall(String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags, TpacallAsyncReply callBack)
          This implementation of tpacall is aware of the domain configuration files which correlate services with local and remote domains.

Methods in with parameters of type CallDescriptor
 void TuxedoConnection.tpcancel(CallDescriptor cd, int flags)
          This implementation knows about the tuxedo call descriptor and will attempt to cancel the outstanding tpacall request.
 Reply TuxedoConnection.tpgetrply(CallDescriptor cd, int flags)
          This implementation does not yet handle the case of blocking replies with the TPGETANY flag.
 void TpacallAsyncReplyImpl.success(ApplicationToMonitorInterface atmi, CallDescriptor cd, Reply successReply)
          This method is called if the service returned successfully.
 void TpacallAsyncReplyImpl.failure(ApplicationToMonitorInterface atmi, CallDescriptor cd, TPException failureReply)
          This method is called if the service returned with a failure code of some kind.

Uses of CallDescriptor in

Methods in that return CallDescriptor
 CallDescriptor TuxedoReply.getCallDescriptor()
          Returns the service descriptor returned from tpgetrply
 CallDescriptor tsession.tpacall(String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          Calls the other tpacall with null as the callBack parameter
 CallDescriptor tsession.tpacall(String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags, TpacallAsyncReply callBack)
 CallDescriptor Reply.getCallDescriptor()
          Returns the service descriptor returned from tpgetrply
 CallDescriptor dsession.tpacall(String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags, TpacallAsyncReply callBack)
 CallDescriptor ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpacall(String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          Sends a deferred asyncronous request message to a Tuxedo service.
 CallDescriptor ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpacall(String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags, TpacallAsyncReply callBack)
          Sends an asyncronous request message to a Tuxedo service.

Methods in with parameters of type CallDescriptor
 void TuxedoReply.setCallDescriptor(CallDescriptor cd)
          Sets the call descriptor to be returned with this reply
 void tsession.tpcancel(CallDescriptor cd, int flags)
          Routine for cancelling a call descriptor for outstanding reply tpcancel() cancels a call descriptor, cd, returned by tpacall().
 Reply tsession.tpgetrply(CallDescriptor cd, int flags)
 void TpacallAsyncReply.success(ApplicationToMonitorInterface atmi, CallDescriptor cd, Reply successReply)
          Called if the service returned successfully.
 void TpacallAsyncReply.failure(ApplicationToMonitorInterface atmi, CallDescriptor cd, TPException failureReply)
          Called if the service returned with a failure code.
 void dsession.tpcancel(CallDescriptor cd, int flags)
          Routine for cancelling a call descriptor for outstanding reply tpcancel() cancels a call descriptor, cd, returned by tpacall().
 void ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpcancel(CallDescriptor cd, int flags)
          Cancels a call descriptor for outstanding reply.
 Reply ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpgetrply(CallDescriptor cd, int flags)
          Returns a reply using the call descriptor returned by a deferred tpacall.

Constructors in with parameters of type CallDescriptor
TuxedoReply(TypedBuffer tb, int tpurcode, CallDescriptor cd)
          Constructs a reply return with the given data, tpurcode and server return code.

Documentation is available at
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