BEA Systems, Inc.

Type-Safe Access to BEA WebLogic Server 9.1 MBeans (Deprecated)

(Methods marked with @since or later are not available through the deprecated MBeanHome interface.)
Interface XMLEntitySpecRegistryEntryMBean

All Superinterfaces:
ConfigurationMBean, weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean, DynamicMBean, MBeanRegistration, NotificationBroadcaster, weblogic.descriptor.SettableBean,

public interface XMLEntitySpecRegistryEntryMBean
extends ConfigurationMBean

An Entity Spec Entry specifies how to resolve an external entity based its public and system IDs.

When WebLogic Server is parsing an XML document and it encounters the specified external entity, WebLogic Server resolves the entity according to the values entered for this entry. You can specify that the external entity resolve to a particular resource whose location is either a pathname reachable by the Administration Server or a URI to a local repository.

An Entity Spec entry is part of an XML Registry.

For this type of registry entry the document type is identified by either or both of: 1) a public ID (e.g, "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN" 2) a system ID (e.g, "") This configuration information is used by the WebLogic JAXP implementation to set up SAX EntityResolvers.

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

This is a type-safe interface for a WebLogic Server MBean, which you can import into your client classes and access through As of 9.0, the MBeanHome interface and all type-safe interfaces for WebLogic Server MBeans are deprecated. Instead, client classes that interact with WebLogic Server MBeans should use standard JMX design patterns in which clients use the interface to discover MBeans, attributes, and attribute types at runtime. For more information, see "Developing Manageable Applications with JMX" on

Copyright © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary
 int getCacheTimeoutInterval()
          Specifies the default timeout interval (in seconds) of the external entity cache.
 String getEntityURI()
          The location of the external entity, either a pathname or URI.
 String getPublicId()
          The public ID of the external entity.
 String getSystemId()
          The system ID of the external entity.
 String getWhenToCache()
          Specifies when WebLogic Server should cache the external entities it retrieves from the Web.
 void setCacheTimeoutInterval(int interval)
          Sets the value of the CacheTimeoutInterval attribute.
 void setEntityURI(String uri)
          Sets the value of the EntityURI attribute.
 void setPublicId(String publicId)
          Set the public id of the document type represented by this registry entry.
 void setSystemId(String systemId)
          Set the system id of the document type represented by this registry entry.
 void setWhenToCache(String cacheOnDeploy)
          Sets the value of the WhenToCache attribute.
Methods inherited from interface
freezeCurrentValue, getName, getNotes, isSet, restoreDefaultValue, setComments, setDefaultedMBean, setName, setNotes, setPersistenceEnabled, unSet
Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setParent
Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean
addBeanUpdateListener, addPropertyChangeListener, createChildCopy, createChildCopyIncludingObsolete, getDescriptor, getParentBean, isEditable, removeBeanUpdateListener, removePropertyChangeListener

Method Detail


public int getCacheTimeoutInterval()

Specifies the default timeout interval (in seconds) of the external entity cache.

A value of -1 means that the entity entity cache timeout interval defers to the one specified for the XML registry of which this Entity Spec entry is a part.

The cacheTimeoutInterval value
Default value:
Minimum value:


public String getEntityURI()

The location of the external entity, either a pathname or URI.

The location of the external entity can be either a pathname relative to the XML Registry directories, reachable by the Administration Server, or a URI of the entity location in some local repository.

The entityURI value


public String getPublicId()

The public ID of the external entity.

When WebLogic Server is parsing an XML document and it encounters an external entity with this public ID, WebLogic Server resolves the entity (to either a local file or a URL resource) according to the values set for this Entity spec entry.

The publicId value


public String getSystemId()

The system ID of the external entity.

When WebLogic Server is parsing an XML document and it encounters an external entity with this system ID, WebLogic Server resolves the entity (to either a local file or a URL resource) according to the values set for this Entity spec entry.

The systemId value


public String getWhenToCache()

Specifies when WebLogic Server should cache the external entities it retrieves from the Web.

WebLogic Server can cache the entities when they are referenced, as soon as possible (that is, on initialization) or never. Additionally, WebLogic Server can defer to the XML registry's cache setting.

The whenToCache value
Default value:
Legal values:


public void setCacheTimeoutInterval(int interval)
                             throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the value of the CacheTimeoutInterval attribute.

interval - The new cacheTimeoutInterval value
A dynamic MBean attribute.


public void setEntityURI(String uri)
                  throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the value of the EntityURI attribute.

uri - The new entityURI value
A dynamic MBean attribute.


public void setPublicId(String publicId)
                 throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Set the public id of the document type represented by this registry entry.

publicId - The new publicId value
A dynamic MBean attribute.


public void setSystemId(String systemId)
                 throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Set the system id of the document type represented by this registry entry.

systemId - The new systemId value
A dynamic MBean attribute.


public void setWhenToCache(String cacheOnDeploy)

Sets the value of the WhenToCache attribute.

cacheOnDeploy - The new whenToCache value
A dynamic MBean attribute.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.