BEA Systems, Inc.

Type-Safe Access to BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 MBeans (Deprecated)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use LogFilterMBean Contains classes and interfaces for configuring a WebLogic Server domain. 

Uses of LogFilterMBean in

Methods in that return LogFilterMBean
 LogFilterMBean LogMBean.getLogFileFilter()
          The filter configuration for the server log file.
 LogFilterMBean LogMBean.getStdoutFilter()
          The filter configuration for log events being sent to the standard out.
 LogFilterMBean LogMBean.getDomainLogBroadcastFilter()
          The filter configuration for log events being sent to the domain log.
 LogFilterMBean LogMBean.getMemoryBufferFilter()
          The filter configuration for messages that are stored in the log memory buffer.
 LogFilterMBean[] DomainMBean.getLogFilters()
          Gets the array of log filters defined in the domain
 LogFilterMBean DomainMBean.createLogFilter(String name)
          Creates a log filter MBean instance
 LogFilterMBean DomainMBean.lookupLogFilter(String name)
          Looks up a log filter by name

Methods in with parameters of type LogFilterMBean
 void LogMBean.setLogFileFilter(LogFilterMBean filter)
          Sets the value of the LogFileFilter attribute.
 void LogMBean.setStdoutFilter(LogFilterMBean filter)
          Sets the value of the StdoutFilter attribute.
 void LogMBean.setDomainLogBroadcastFilter(LogFilterMBean filter)
          Sets the filtering criteria for log events going to the domain log.
 void LogMBean.setMemoryBufferFilter(LogFilterMBean filter)
 void DomainMBean.destroyLogFilter(LogFilterMBean logFilter)
          Destroy the given log filter MBean
 void DomainLogFilterMBean.setDelegate(LogFilterMBean delegate)

Documentation is available at
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