BEA Systems, Inc.

Type-Safe Access to BEA WebLogic Server 9.1 MBeans (Deprecated)

(Methods marked with @since or later are not available through the deprecated MBeanHome interface.)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ServerMBean   

Uses of ServerMBean in

Methods in that return ServerMBean
 ServerMBean[] SNMPTrapSourceMBean.getEnabledServers()
          The list of target servers for trap generation.
 ServerMBean ServerDebugMBean.getServer()
          Returns the server for this bean
 ServerMBean[] MigratableTargetMBean.getConstrainedCandidateServers()
          Returns the (user restricted) list of servers that may host the migratable target.
 ServerMBean MigratableTargetMBean.getHostingServer()
          Returns the name of the server that currently hosts the migratable target.
 ServerMBean MigratableTargetMBean.getUserPreferredServer()
          Returns the server that the user prefers the migratable target to be active on.
 ServerMBean[] MigratableTargetMBean.getAllCandidateServers()
          Return a list of servers that are candiates to host the services deployed to this migratable target.
 ServerMBean MigratableTargetMBean.getDestinationServer()
 ServerMBean[] DomainMBean.getServers()
          Returns the ServerMBeans representing the servers that have been configured to be part of this domain.
 ServerMBean DomainMBean.createServer(String name)
          This is the factory method for Servers that are scoped at the domain level.
 ServerMBean DomainMBean.lookupServer(String name)
          Lookup a particular server from the list.
 ServerMBean[] ClusterMBean.getServers()
          The servers which have declared membership in this cluster.
 ServerMBean AdminServerMBean.getServer()

Methods in with parameters of type ServerMBean
 void SNMPTrapSourceMBean.setEnabledServers(ServerMBean[] serversEnabled)
          Sets the value of the EnabledServers attribute.
 boolean SNMPTrapSourceMBean.addEnabledServer(ServerMBean server)
          Adds a feature to the EnabledServer attribute of the SNMPTrapSourceMBean object
 boolean SNMPTrapSourceMBean.removeEnabledServer(ServerMBean server)
static boolean ServerLegalHelper.isSSLListenPortEnabled(ServerMBean self)
          Determine whether the SSL ListenPort or another channel is open and therefore makes it legal to switch off the standard ListenPort.
static void ServerLegalHelper.validateServer(ServerMBean server)
static void ServerLegalHelper.checkListenAddress(ServerMBean self, Object value)
 void ServerDebugMBean.setServer(ServerMBean value)
          Set the server.
 void MigratableTargetMBean.setConstrainedCandidateServers(ServerMBean[] constrainedCandidateServers)
          All constrained candiate servers must belong to the same cluster.
 boolean MigratableTargetMBean.addConstrainedCandidateServer(ServerMBean constrainedCandidateServer)
 boolean MigratableTargetMBean.removeConstrainedCandidateServer(ServerMBean constrainedCandidateServer)
 void MigratableTargetMBean.setHostingServer(ServerMBean ignored)
          Sets the value of the HostingServer attribute.
 void MigratableTargetMBean.setUserPreferredServer(ServerMBean t)
 void MigratableTargetMBean.setAllCandidateServers(ServerMBean[] servers)
          // NOTE 2001-Jul-30 -- NOT TO BE USED FROM THE OUTSIDE.
 void MigratableTargetMBean.setDestinationServer(ServerMBean t)
 void DomainMBean.destroyServer(ServerMBean server)
          Destroys and removes a server which is a child of this Domain with the specified short name .

Uses of ServerMBean in

Methods in that return ServerMBean
 ServerMBean MigrationTaskRuntimeMBean.getSourceServer()
          Provides the identity of the server from which the migration is moving.
 ServerMBean MigrationTaskRuntimeMBean.getDestinationServer()
          Provides the identity of the server to which the migration is moving.

Methods in with parameters of type ServerMBean
 void MigratableServiceCoordinatorRuntimeMBean.migrate(MigratableTargetMBean migratableTarget, ServerMBean destination)
          Migrates all services deployed to the migratableTarget to the destination server.
 void MigratableServiceCoordinatorRuntimeMBean.migrate(MigratableTargetMBean migratableTarget, ServerMBean destination, boolean sourceUp, boolean destinationUp)
          Migrates all services deployed to the migratableTarget to the destination server.
 void MigratableServiceCoordinatorRuntimeMBean.migrateJTA(MigratableTargetMBean migratableTarget, ServerMBean destination, boolean sourceUp, boolean destinationUp)
          Migrates the JTARecoveryManager deployed to a migratableTarget to the destination server.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.