BEA Systems, Inc.

Type-Safe Access to BEA WebLogic Server 9.1 MBeans (Deprecated)

(Methods marked with @since or later are not available through the deprecated MBeanHome interface.)
Interface ServerLifeCycleTaskStatus

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ServerLifeCycleTaskStatus

This interface defines the status that can be returned by ServerLifeCycleTaskRuntimeMBean.

All ServerLifeCycle tasks like shutdown return a TaskRuntimeMBean that can be queried for the status of the ongoing task. The status returned from TaskRuntime can be compared against constants defined in this interface.

See Also:
ServerLifeCycleTaskRuntimeMBean, TaskRuntimeMBean.getStatus()
Copyright © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Field Summary
static String COMPLETED
          The ServerLifeCycle task has completed successfully.
static String FAILED
          The ServerLifeCycle task has failed.
static String TASK_IN_PROGRESS
          The ServerLifeCycle task is in progress.

Field Detail


public static final String COMPLETED
The ServerLifeCycle task has completed successfully.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String FAILED
The ServerLifeCycle task has failed. The TaskRuntimeMBean can be queried for the exact error.

See Also:
TaskRuntimeMBean.getError(), Constant Field Values


public static final String TASK_IN_PROGRESS
The ServerLifeCycle task is in progress.

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.