BEA Systems, Inc.

Type-Safe Access to BEA WebLogic Server 9.1 MBeans (Deprecated)

(Methods marked with @since or later are not available through the deprecated MBeanHome interface.)

Uses of Class

Packages that use NotFoundException   

Uses of NotFoundException in

Methods in that throw NotFoundException
 long JRockitRuntimeMBean.getLastGCStart()
          The time at which the last garbage collection run started.
 long JRockitRuntimeMBean.getLastGCEnd()
          The time at which the last garbage collection run ended.
 long JRockitRuntimeMBean.getTotalGarbageCollectionTime()
          The number of milliseconds that the Virtual Machine has spent on all garbage collection runs since the VM was started.
 boolean JRockitRuntimeMBean.isGCHandlesCompaction()
          Indicates whether the VM's garbage collector compacts the Java heap.
 boolean JRockitRuntimeMBean.isConcurrent()
          Indicates whether the VM's garbage collector runs in a separate Java thread concurrently with other Java threads.
 boolean JRockitRuntimeMBean.isGenerational()
          Indicates whether the VM's garbage collector uses a nursery space.
 boolean JRockitRuntimeMBean.isIncremental()
          Indicates whether the VM's garbage collector collects (increments) garbage as it scans the memory space and dumps the garbage at the end of its cycle.
 boolean JRockitRuntimeMBean.isParallel()
          Indicates whether the VM's garbage collector is able to run in parallel on multiple processors if multiple processors are available.
 boolean JRockitRuntimeMBean.isMethodTimingEnabled(Method method)
          Indicates whether the Virtual Machine measures how much time it spends in a method.
 long JRockitRuntimeMBean.getMethodTiming(Method method)
          The amount of time (in milliseconds) the Virtual Machine has spent in the method since enabling time measuring.
 boolean JRockitRuntimeMBean.isMethodInvocationCountEnabled(Method method)
          Indicates whether the Virtual Machine counts how many times a method is invoked.
 long JRockitRuntimeMBean.getMethodInvocationCount(Method method)
          The number of times a method has been invoked since enabling invocation counting.
 boolean JRockitRuntimeMBean.isConstructorTimingEnabled(Constructor constructor)
          Indicates whether the Virtual Machine measures how much time it spends in a constructor.
 long JRockitRuntimeMBean.getConstructorTiming(Constructor constructor)
          The amount of time (in milliseconds) the Virtual Machine has spent in the constructor since enabling time measuring.
 boolean JRockitRuntimeMBean.isConstructorInvocationCountEnabled(Constructor cons)
          Indicates whether the Virtual Machine counts how many times a constructor is invoked.
 long JRockitRuntimeMBean.getConstructorInvocationCount(Constructor constructor)
          The number of times a constructor has been invoked since enabling invocation counting.

Uses of NotFoundException in

Methods in that throw NotFoundException
 void UserRemoverMBean.removeUser(String userName)
          Removes a user.
 String UserReaderMBean.getUserDescription(String userName)
          Gets a user's description.
 void UserPasswordEditorMBean.changeUserPassword(String userName, String oldPassword, String newPassword)
          Used by a user to change his or her password.
 void UserPasswordEditorMBean.resetUserPassword(String userName, String newPassword)
          Used by an administrator to change a user's password.
 void UserEditorMBean.setUserDescription(String userName, String description)
          Sets the description for an existing user.
 String MemberGroupListerMBean.listMemberGroups(String memberUserOrGroupName)
          Lists the groups that directly contain a user or a group.
 void GroupRemoverMBean.removeGroup(String groupName)
          Removes a group.
 String GroupReaderMBean.getGroupDescription(String groupName)
          Gets a group's description.
 boolean GroupReaderMBean.isMember(String parentGroupName, String memberUserOrGroupName, boolean recursive)
          Indicates whether a user or group is a member of the group that you specify.
 String GroupMemberListerMBean.listGroupMembers(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupNameWildcard, int maximumToReturn)
          Searches within a group for user and group (member) names that match a pattern.
 void GroupEditorMBean.setGroupDescription(String groupName, String description)
          Sets the description for an existing group.
 void GroupEditorMBean.addMemberToGroup(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupName)
          Adds a user or group (member) to a group.
 void GroupEditorMBean.removeMemberFromGroup(String groupName, String memberUserOrGroupName)
          Removes a user or group (member) from a group.

Uses of NotFoundException in

Methods in that throw NotFoundException
 String RoleReaderMBean.getRoleExpression(String resourceId, String roleName)
          Returns the expression that defines the role granting policy.
 void RoleEditorMBean.removeRole(String resourceId, String roleName)
          Removes a role from a resource.
 void RoleEditorMBean.setRoleExpression(String resourceId, String roleName, String expression)
          Sets the policy expression for a role.
 String PolicyReaderMBean.getPolicyExpression(String resourceId)
          Returns the expression of an existing policy.
 void PolicyEditorMBean.setPolicyExpression(String resourceId, String expression)
          Sets a policy expression for a resource.
 void PolicyEditorMBean.removePolicy(String resourceId)
          Removes a policy.

Uses of NotFoundException in

Methods in that throw NotFoundException
 String UserPasswordCredentialMapReaderMBean.getRemoteUserName(String resourceId, String wlsUserName)
          Gets the external username that is mapped to a local webLogic username for the specified resource.
 String UserPasswordCredentialMapReaderMBean.getRemotePassword(String resourceId, String remoteUserName)
 void UserPasswordCredentialMapEditorMBean.setUserPasswordCredentialMapping(String resourceId, String wlsUserName, String remoteUserName)
          Creates a mapping from a webLogic username to a remote username-password credential for the specified resource.
 void UserPasswordCredentialMapEditorMBean.removeUserPasswordCredential(String resourceId, String remoteUserName)
          Removes the credential that is created on the specified resource and remote username.
 void UserPasswordCredentialMapEditorMBean.removeUserPasswordCredentialMapping(String resourceId, String wlsUserName)
          Removes the mapping from a webLogic username to a remote username-password credential for the specified resource.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.