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Release Notes

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What's New in WebLogic Server 9.1


New Security Providers Support XACML 2.0 from OASIS

Enhanced SAML

New and Deprecated SAML Security Providers


Identity-Based Connection Pooling

Improved Configuration of JDBC Data Sources in Console

Support for Sybase JConnect 6.0


Hot-Swap Support for Deployment Plans

WLDF Console Extension


Messaging (JMS)

Simplified Configuration and Targeting of JMS System Resources

Message Life Cycle Logging for JMS SAF Destinations

Enhanced Run-time Management for Durable Subscribers

Automatic, Transparent JMS Client Failover

Message Prefetching Available for Synchronous Message Consumers

Improved Tuning of Message Latency and Message Throughput on JMS Destinations

Resource Adapters

Web Services

Security-Related JWS Annotations

API to Access Secured WSDL and Use Proxy Server

Associate Multiple Client-Side WS-Policy Files

Turn Off X509 Validation When Using SAML Holder-Of-Key

Web Services Testing Tab in Administration Console

Deprecated Features in WebLogic Web Services

WebLogic Tuxedo Connector

Application KeepAlive

VIEW32 Support in FML32 Buffers

Suspend and Resume WTC Services

Web Applications and Servlets


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