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Servers: Services: SNMP

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This page summarizes the SNMP attribute changes, log filters, and SNMP monitors that have been targeted to this server.

For information on seeing all servers to which an attribute change, log filter, or SNMP monitor has been targeted, refer to the related tasks in this topic.

Attribute changes configure the SNMP agent to send a trap immediately after a configuration attribute is changed in any way. For example, you can configure an attribute change that sends a trap whenever a server's listen address changes.

A log filter enables WebLogic Server to generate traps when subsystems or applications generate log messages.

WebLogic SNMP monitors poll WebLogic Server MBeans at a specified interval to check for the occurrence of conditions or the crossing of thresholds. When a monitor detects the specified condition, it sends a trap to the configured trap destinations. WebLogic Server supports three types of monitors:

Column Display

Name Description

The name that you specified when you created the attribute change.

Monitored MBean Type

The MBean type that defines the attribute you want to monitor. Do not include the MBean suffix. For example, Server.

WebLogic Server does not support using Attribute Change trap notifications to monitor run-time attributes. Runtime MBeans always include the word Runtime in their names. For example, the ServerRuntime MBean provides access to runtime attributes while the Server MBean provides access to configuration attributes. To monitor changes in an MBean that includes Runtime in its name, use a String Monitor, Gauge Monitor, or Counter Monitor.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Monitored MBean Name

The name of the MBean instance that you want to monitor. If you leave the name undefined, WebLogic Server monitors all instances of the MBean type that you specify in Monitored MBean Type.

Do not enter the full JMX object name of the MBean instance. Instead, enter only the value that you provided when you created the instance. To create unique MBean object names, WebLogic Server encodes several name-value pairs into each object name. One of these pairs is Name=name, and this is the value that you enter for MBean Name. For example:

In the previous example, specify MedRecServer as the name of the MBean instance.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Monitored Attribute Name

The name of the attribute that you want to monitor. This attribute must be in the WebLogic Server MIB.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Enabled Servers

The list of target servers for trap generation. If no server is specified, no trap will be generated.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Column Display

Name Description

The name that you specified when you created the log filter.

Severity Level

The minimum severity of a message that causes WebLogic Server to generate a trap.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Subsystem Names

A list of subsystems whose messages are selected by this log filter. If none are specified, messages from all subsystems are selected.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

User IDs

A list of user IDs that causes WebLogic Server to generate a trap.

Every message includes the user ID from the security context in which the message was generated.

If the user ID field for a message matches one of the user IDs you specify in the filter, WebLogic Server generates a trap.

If this log filter doesn't specify user IDs, WebLogic Server can generate a trap for messages from all user IDs.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Message IDs

A list of message IDs or ID ranges that cause WebLogic Server to generate a trap.

If no IDs are specified, this filter selects all message IDs.

Example list: 20,50-100,300

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Message Substring

A string that is searched for in the message text. Only messages that contain the string are selected. If a string is not specified, all messages are selected.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Enabled Servers

The list of target servers for trap generation. If no server is specified, no trap will be generated.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Column Display

Name Description

The name that you specified when you created the SNMP monitor.


The type of SNMP monitor.

Monitored MBean Type
Monitored MBean Name
Monitored Attribute Name
Polling Interval
Enabled Servers
Agent Name

The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

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