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Deployments: Monitoring: EJBs: Entity

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This page displays monitoring information for all the entity Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) that are deployed to this domain.

WebLogic Server enables you to deploy EJBs either as archive files (.JAR files created using the JAR utility) or as exploded archive directories.

You can click any column heading in the Entity EJBs table to sort the items in the table by the type indicated in the column heading.


Name Description
Refresh icon

Refresh icon Causes the Administration Console periodically to poll the resource that this page monitors and to refresh the display.

Column Display

You can show fewer or additional data points on this page by expanding Customize this table and modifying the Column Display list. Each data point displays in its own table column.

The following table lists all of the data points that you can display in columns on this page.

Name Description
EJB Name

Provides the ejb-name for this EJB as defined in the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor.

MBean Attribute:

Application Name

The name of the Enterprise application.

MBean Attribute:

Pooled Beans Current Count

Provides a count of the current number of available bean instances in the free pool.

MBean Attribute:

Beans In Use Count

Provides a count of the number of bean instances currently being used from the free pool.

MBean Attribute:

Waiter Current Count

Provides a count of the number of Threads currently waiting for an available bean instance from the free pool.

MBean Attribute:

Access Total Count

Provides a count of the total number of times an attempt was made to get an instance from the free pool.

MBean Attribute:

Miss Total Count

Provides a count of the total number of times a failed attempt was made to get an instance from the free pool. An Attempt to get a bean from the pool will fail if there are no available instances in the pool.

MBean Attribute:

Destroyed Total Count

Provides a count of the total number of times a bean instance from this pool was destroyed due to a non-application Exception being thrown from it.

MBean Attribute:

Cached Beans Current Count

Provides a count of the total number of beans from this EJB Home currently in the EJB cache.

MBean Attribute:

Cache Access Count

Provides a count of the total number of attempts to access a bean from the cache.

The sum of the Cache Hit Count and Cache Miss Count may not add up to the cacheAccessCount in a running server because these metrics are retrieved using multiple calls and the counts could change between the calls.


MBean Attribute:

Cache Hit Count

Provides a count of the total number of times an attempt to access a bean from the cache succeeded.

The sum of the Cache Hit Count and Cache Miss Count may not add up to the cacheAccessCount in a running server because these metrics are retrieved using multiple calls and the counts could change between the calls.

MBean Attribute:

Activation Count

Provides a count of the total number of beans from this EJB Home that have been activated.

MBean Attribute:

Passivation Count

Provides a count of the total number of beans from this EJB Home that have been passivated.

MBean Attribute:

Lock Entries Current Count

Provides a count of the number of beans currently locked.

MBean Attribute:

Lock Manager Access Count

Provides the total number of attempts to obtain a lock on a bean. This includes attempts to obtain a lock on a bean that is already locked on behalf of the client.

MBean Attribute:

Transactions Committed Total Count

Provides a count of the total number of transactions that have been committed for this EJB.

MBean Attribute:

Transactions Rolled Back Total Count

Provides a count of the total number of transactions that have been rolled back for this EJB.

MBean Attribute:

Transactions Timed Out Total Count

Provides a count of the total number of transactions that have timed out for this EJB.

MBean Attribute:

Timeout Count

Provides the total number of successful timeout notifications that have been made for this EJB.

MBean Attribute:

Cancelled Timer Count

Provides the total number of timers that have been explicitly cancelled for this EJB.

MBean Attribute:

Active Timer Count

Provides the current number of active timers for this EJB

MBean Attribute:

Disabled Timer Count

Provides the current number of timers temporarily disabled for this EJB

MBean Attribute:

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