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Delete a Web Service security configuration

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Use this assistant to delete an already existing Web Service security configuration.

When a deployed WebLogic Web Service has been configured to use message-level security (encryption and digital signatures, as described by the WS-Security specification), the Web Services runtime determines whether a Web Service security configuration is also associated with the service. This security configuration specifies information such as whether to use an X.509 certificate for identity, whether to use password digests, the keystore to be used for encryption, and so on.

WebLogic Web Services are not required to be associated with a security configuration; if the default behavior of the Web Services security runtime is adequate then no additional configuration is needed. If, however, a Web Service requires different behavior from the default (such as using an X.509 certificate for identity, rather than the default username/password token), then the Web Service must be associated with a security configuration.

The JWS annotation in the JWS file that implements the Web Service specifies the name of the security configuration that is associated with a Web Service. If the Web Service does not include this annotation, then it is associated with the default security configuration, called default_wss.

This assistant guides you through the process of deleting an existing Web Services security configuration.

If you delete the default security configuration (default_wss) then all Web Services which use this default configuration will revert to using the out-of-the-box security configuration.

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