Programming Stand-alone Clients

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Introduction and Roadmap

Document Scope and Audience

Guide to This Document

Related Documentation

Samples and Tutorials

Avitek Medical Records Application (MedRec) and Tutorials

Examples in the WebLogic Server Distribution

New and Changed Features in WebLogic Server 9.2

WebLogic SAF Client

Overview of Stand-alone Clients

RMI-IIOP Clients

BEA T3 (RMI) Clients

CORBA Clients

JMX Clients

WebServices Clients

Client Types and Features

Developing T3 Clients

T3 Client Basics

Developing a T3 Client

RMI Communication in WebLogic Server

Determining Connection Availability

Communicating with a Server in Admin Mode

Developing a J2EE Application Client (Thin Client)

Overview of the J2EE Application Client

How to Develop a Thin Client

Using J2EE Client Application Modules

Extracting a Client Application

Executing a Client Application

Protocol Compatibility

WebLogic JMS Thin Client

Overview of the JMS Thin Client

JMS Thin Client Functionality

Limitations of Using the JMS Thin Client

Deploying the JMS Thin Client

Reliably Sending Messages Using the JMS SAF Client

Overview of Using Store-and-Forward with JMS Clients

Configuring a JMS Client To Use Client-side SAF

Generating a JMS SAF Client Configuration File

How the JMS SAF Client Configuration File Works

Steps to Generate a JMS SAF Client Configuration File from a JMS Module

ClientSAFGenerate Utility Syntax

Valid SAF Elements for JMS SAF Client Configurations

Default Store Options for JMS SAF Clients

Encrypting Passwords for Remote JMS SAF Contexts

Steps to Generate Encrypted Passwords

ClientSAFEncrypt Utility Syntax

Installing the JMS SAF Client JAR Files on Client Machines

Modify Your JMS Client Applications To Use the JMS SAF Client’s Initial JNDI Provider

Required JNDI Context Factory for JMS SAF Clients

Optional JNDI Properties for JMS SAF Clients

JMS SAF Client Management Tools

The JMS SAF Client Initialization API

Client-Side Store Administration Utility

JMS Programming Considerations with JMS SAF Clients

How the JMSReplyTo Field Is Handled In JMS SAF Client Messages

No Mixing of JMS SAF Client Contexts and Server Contexts

Using Transacted Sessions with JMS SAF Clients

JMS SAF Client Interoperability Guidelines

Java Runtime

WebLogic Server Versions

Tuning JMS SAF Clients

Limitations of Using the JMS SAF Client

Developing a J2SE Client

J2SE Client Basics

How to Develop a J2SE Client

Developing a WLS-IIOP Client

WLS-IIOP Client Features

How to Develop a WLS-IIOP Client

Developing a CORBA/IDL Client

Guidelines for Developing a CORBA/IDL Client

Working with CORBA/IDL Clients

Java to IDL Mapping


Procedure for Developing a CORBA/IDL Client

Developing Clients for CORBA Objects

Enhancements to and Limitations of CORBA Object Types

Making Outbound CORBA Calls: Main Steps

Using the WebLogic ORB Hosted in JNDI


Direct ORB creation

Using JNDI

Supporting Inbound CORBA Calls

Developing a WebLogic C++ Client for a Tuxedo ORB

WebLogic C++ Client Advantages and Limitations

How the WebLogic C++ Client Works

Developing WebLogic C++ Clients

Developing Security-Aware Clients

Developing Clients That Use JAAS

Developing Clients That Use SSL

Thin-Client Restrictions for JAAS and SSL

Security Code Examples

Using EJBs with RMI-IIOP Clients

Accessing EJBs with a Java Client

Accessing EJBs with a CORBA/IDL Client

Example IDL Generation

Client Application Deployment Descriptor Elements

Overview of Client Application Deployment Descriptor Elements

application-client.xml Deployment Descriptor Elements


weblogic-appclient.xml Descriptor Elements


Code Examples

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