Deploying Applications to WebLogic Server

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Introduction and Roadmap

The following sections describe the contents and organization of this guide—Deploying Applications to WebLogic Server:


Document Scope and Audience

This document is a resource for:


Guide to This Document


Standards Compatibility

WebLogic Server implements the J2EE 1.4 specification. J2EE 1.4 includes a deployment specification, JSR-88, that describes a standard API used by deployment tools and application server providers to configure and deploy applications to an application server.

WebLogic Server implements both the JSR-88 Service Provider Interface (SPI) plug-in and model plug-in to comply with the J2EE 1.4 deployment specification. You can use a basic J2EE 1.4 deployment API deployment tool with the WebLogic Server plug-ins (without using WebLogic Server extensions to the API) to configure, deploy, and redeploy J2EE applications and modules to WebLogic Server. See Compatibility Statement for BEA WebLogic Server 9.2.


Deployment Terminology

The following WebLogic Server deployment terms are used throughout this document:


Related Documentation

For additional information about deploying applications and modules to WebLogic Server, see these documents:


New and Changed Deployment Features in This Release

For a comprehensive listing of the new WebLogic Server features introduced in release 9.2, see What's New in WebLogic Server 9.2 in Release Notes.

Note: WebLogic Server changed substantially in version 9.0, and these changes apply to later releases as well. For a detailed description of features and functionality introduced in WebLogic Server 9.0, see What's New in WebLogic Server 9.0. For information about new and changed functionality in subsequent releases, see the What's New in WebLogic Server document for each release.

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